As long as the claim is timely to when the infringement is discovered. Important clarification.
What if I discover it and just forget until I want to “discover” it?
It seems immaterial. It might as well be infinite.
That’s something that could come out during discovery. And refusing to supply it would hurt your case as well as the court can then assume whatever is most detrimental to your case as the reason you didn’t disclose it.
Some good info on Lawful Masses on YouTube. He’s a copyright lawyer.
What does that imply ? I don’t understand the subtly.
If in 2025 you discover a case of infringement that occurred in 2000 you have until 2028 to file a case. That is you have 3 years from the point of discovery, and an unlimited time from the point of actual infringement.
You can’t know about it and not report it. Once you discover it you have to report it. So you may not know about it for however long but can still enforce it.
- We create ghost projects. Like, lots of them. Basically just ideas, like what a patent troll would do. “Pokemon Lemmy: it’s a Pokemon clone with a Lemmy inspired story.”
- Officially tell relevant companies and start a 3 yr clock.
- They are forced to treat every nothing-project as if it’s a big popular IP stomping hit.
- If they don’t do anything about the nothing-project after 3 years, you pick it up for real.
- ???
I’m starting to think this illegitimate court loaded down with rapists and fascists is bad. Mmmmkay.
Time for our elected officials to do their job and change/modernize the copyright act
Haha right!
That’s gonna happen someday!