Gentlemen, just for context, I usually use Linux. I have been a user of Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora for a few years.

Recently, I acquired a decent graphics card (GeForce RTX 4070) and decided to uninstall my Windows and install Linux.

I saw that Pop!_OS already has an image with everything pre-configured for Nvidia. Is this pre-configuration worth it, are the games more stable on this distribution, or is it the same as manually installing Nvidia’s proprietary drivers on Manjaro?

    26 days ago

    Definitely use the Nvidia installer if that is the card you have. Nvidia’s drivers are a common source of problems for me over the years resulting in wasted time troubleshooting. Zero issues since switching to PopOS on 2 Nvidia machines. (1080 laptop and 3090 desktop). No green screens, no blank screen boots or wake up, no kernel module compilation issues. Far more productive and much less frustrating.