Maybe the solution is to stay off Twitter, but it’s very disturbing to see the normalization of slurs happening in real time on there. White people saying the n-word with approval, the return of saying “gay” as a pejorative, lots of casual racism against Indian men, using the r-slur to describe something seen as stupid. I don’t know whether this is a larger cultural lurch to the right, or whether it’s mostly attributed to Musk’s elimination of quality control and monitors on the platform.

  • charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    I’m always taken a bit aback when people at work just go wild with slurs. You have the r-slur getting used just kinda flippantly for so much stuff where they could easily just pick another word, only had one person at my previous job really say it so this new job with like 4 people that use it is kinda disheartening. Also had a coworker use the f-slur when talking to me, they were quoting one of their children saying something along the lines of “X is for …” but I’m kinda visibly queer so the sheer gall to just go with it anyway was something new.

    Then the conversations I overhear about politics every so often make me just never want to hear them since I’d rather just not know how terrible everyone I work with is, it’s easier to just maintain that professional friendliness when I don’t have the back of my mind screaming ‘THEY’RE HOGS BRAYING FOR THEIR TREATS OVER ALL ELSE’