How stupid do you have to be to believe that only 8% of companies have seen failed AI projects? We can’t manage this consistently with CRUD apps and people think that this number isn’t laughable? Some companies have seen benefits during the LLM craze, but not 92% of them. 34% of companies report that generative AI specifically has been assisting with strategic decision making? What the actual fuck are you talking about?

I don’t believe you. No one with a brain believes you, and if your board believes what you just wrote on the survey then they should fire you.

  • rottingleaf
    8 months ago

    I’m libertarian, I’m against this. I’m also against blockchain scams.

    My ideas on digital currencies and something like artificial intelligence are simply an extension of the usual ancap\panarchy ideas. It’s actually a very good test for any libertarian you meet - they’ll usually agree that a “meta-society” consisting of voluntary exterritorial jurisdictions (which can be anything from crack-smoking ancap tribes to solarpunk communes), with some overarching security system to protect those jurisdictions from being ignored by somebody well-armed, is good, then you just have to ask why the systems they like for currencies and this are clearly manifestations of a different ideology.

      8 months ago

      Because the supermajority of libertarians are just hierarchy loyalists who’ve chosen that framing as their cargo cult. Pretty much in the exact same way as techbros latching onto whatever’s hot as “the way of the future” until two years from now. They don’t mean things when they say words.

      This is not an endorsement of the ones that do.

      • rottingleaf
        8 months ago

        Because the supermajority of libertarians are

        Not in my experience.

        Even the childish types usually explore the actual subject.

        I’d say I haven’t met an ancap who wouldn’t be an idealist.

        Those using it as a cargo cult have, eh, by now literally moved on to just being cryptobros or alt-right or something else, and dropped the ancap parts.

        There have been a few short waves of popularity among people who then either became something more mundane or lost interest in politics.