But I play games to escape reality.
From their Steam page:
Per-person behavior simulation: Each person is different, except they’re all bald.
Fuckin lol 😂
Hope they release a DLC with hair physics for extra realism.
And fully rendered teeth
The dev being from the Netherlands adds a little sting to it, looks great
Does this allow you to bulldoze poor/minority neighborhoods in order to build a new highway? If I’m gonna parking lot sim, I want to be able to fully RP as Robert Moses
I hope they allow us to cut funding to trains and other public transport.
Don’t forget about being able to build overpasses too low for buses to fit.
I do like the thought of Moses rolling in his grave over the fact that they eventually started building lower buses.
Imagine 30 years later when they eventually just build really long limousines to transport all the people. Also don’t forget to design the roads with smaller curve radii so only short cars can fit trough, thus eliminating the limousine problem
deleted by creator
Have you just invented the bendy bus limo?
Whenever you don’t have enough resources for something you just open the pause menu and threaten to quit the game.
Nah, just issue bonds. Surely this suburban development pattern will be profitable enough to pay back your debts in a couple of decades
You have to walk through a parking lot to get to and from the car. The bigger the lot the more walkable the city. Checkmate.
Step 1: declare the whole city a car park.
Step 2: declare all spots within a 5 mile radius disabled parking only.
Add golf carts to move to and from the parking lots.
Holy shit, you’ve just figured out how to add a whole nother layer to the personal transport equation. Mega parking structures as close to each destination as possible, but due to their size, they aren’t in walking distance, so build smaller parking lots for golf carts within walking distance.
Then you drive your unnecessarily large vehicle from your suburbanite home to the big parking lot, walk to your designated spot in the golf cart storage lot (or pay to take the elevator), then drive your cart to the office or store lot.
But why stop there? Maybe the oversized trucks and SUVs are too big to be stored in a normal consumer-level garage or driveway. Maybe we should do golf carts on that side, too.
And to fully close the loop, make golf carts and trucks/SUVs support driving right into the driver seat with a mobility scooter. And give the scooters seats that recline to a lying position, have built in toilets, and waterproofing so they can go in the shower, and we can eliminate the need for walking entirely. Think of how much easier life would be if we didn’t need legs!
Something something buy’n’large something.
Stop, I have a family I can’t be this radicalized
It’s pretty rough around the edges but man, I love this visual style already. Color me interested!
If you’re talking about the visual style, it borrows pretty heavily from SimCity 2000 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. You might like those as well.
Thanks a bunch for these recommendations. :-). I think SC2000 was my first real love. RCT a close second. I guess it’s just genetics 😂
We are kindred spirits, then!
I’ve seen 3 major highways built around Detroit while I’ve lived here. There was very little choice among normal citizens who live in the line of “progress”. 375 ruined some dynamic neighborhoods because those people lacked the power to force a change in the proposals. 696 spent significant additional money accommodating the citizens who had the power to modify the proposals. Highways make cities very unwalkable as well as taking space that could be better used
To be fair, no one wants to live next to a factory, so the highways become a necessity at some point.
@DeprecatedCompatV2 @graeghos_714 The assembly plants in Detroit look like train depots. That’s the most efficient way to move in materials and move out products. A multi-lane freeway is not necessary, a set of tracks can handle much higher volumes of goods and people.
Unfortunately most rails are owned by those moving freight and they have right of way on their rails over transit trains. Every auto factory has rails connecting it so it is feasible with a little change and many suppliers are near the factories so light rail and bus service could feed those locations.
How would the people get from the train station to their workplace? It’s not like it’s one square mile, it’s a huge area.
Trams, buses, bike lanes, localized rail. There are more options than just a car.
Guess what the last commune I lived in was going to become? So, I visited another one to maybe move into and asked around. They said it was also going to be turned into one.
What’s so hilarious about it is that everyone says it in such a matter of fact way. Like: yes, my home and that of my friends will be destroyed, our social group will break apart, and our cultural events that see a lot of visitors will also be a goner. But ya, it’s gonna be a parking lot!
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
Ya but how do you get to paradise without a place to park your car? Checkmate.
And to think that the only unrealistic thing in Victor Vivisector’s characterization was that his enemies were furry teenagers (for those curious, look up Furry Force on youtube)
The screenshot is fake. Everybody knows that massive parking lots are almost always nearly empty! /s
I wonder if it has the feature of being able to introduce bad public transport options where you can stick a train station in the middle of some busy road lanes on each side, put Parkway on the end of the name and call it a day.
Spiff does this with Cities Skylines.
Don’t tell him I drink coffee 🙊
Deplorable bean juice quaffer!
#Car Park Capital
Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3031880/Car_Park_Capital/
Link to updates on NotLemmy: https://www.reddit.com/r/AutopianAgony/about/
Link to updates on the Site Formerly Known As Twitter And Still Called Twitter: https://twitter.com/hilkojj
*Link to the dev on Lemmy (seems empty to me idk): https://lemmy.ml/u/[email protected]
They’re @[email protected] if you want to keep it in the fediverse
the link doesn’t seem to be working
I was on my phone so I decided to just assume that lemmy would auto link it for me, but it didn’t. So I’ve added it manually now for you.
I do love playing the bad guy sometimes
Cities Skylines?
Cities Skylines will punish you pretty badly if you don’t have good public transportation and bicycle roads
Maybe it’s changed since I played it, but I disagree with that statement. They punish you if you don’t have many public transport and bicycle roads. But they also railroad or force you to make bad cities with bad car-centric layouts.
New genre just dropped, asphaltpunk