apparently it was just upselling the idea of high quality counterfeit currency, but when it comes time to deliver, basically delivering the mitchel and webb counterfitting skit
“jewel of my night, moon of my balls, we will be as wealthy barons, we need only invest our meagre life savings into this counterfitting scheme…”
The best version of this is the guy who went around selling counterfeiting machines that just really slowly cranked out the two real bills he put inside to give him time to skip town.
That guy is clearly trying to sell her on whatever the turn-of-the-century version of crypto is.
For me, that would be a McKinleyite Gold Bug.
apparently it was just upselling the idea of high quality counterfeit currency, but when it comes time to deliver, basically delivering the mitchel and webb counterfitting skit
“jewel of my night, moon of my balls, we will be as wealthy barons, we need only invest our meagre life savings into this counterfitting scheme…”
The best version of this is the guy who went around selling counterfeiting machines that just really slowly cranked out the two real bills he put inside to give him time to skip town.