My megaproject ideas are mostly pretty standard. I’d build a high speed rail network across North America, and build and expand metro and regional rail systems in and around every city. I’d turn all cities and suburbs into fifteen-minute cities. I’d decommodify housing, and build ten million units of public/social/non-market housing, mostly three bedroom units. I’d link those last three policies together by building TODs around the new Metro and rail stops. And I’d build bicycle networks in every town and city and connect them to the TODs. I’d build bridges and walkways across skyscrapers. I’d put a bidet in every American toilet (uses less water than toilet paper apart from being more comfortable). Fiber internet in every home. A heat pump in every home. An induction stove in every kitchen. Phase out fossil fuels and power everything with Pumped Storage Hydropower and Geothermal. I’d make the US go Metric.

But my truly crazy, obsessive idea would be to bring back the French Revolutionary calendar. Or I’d purge all French influences from English.

  • glans [it/its]
    1 year ago

    Community cafeterias. 1 caf per x (tbd) population.

    • informed by national-level dietary guidelines
    • very receptive to local neighborhood dietary preferences and encouraged to develop specialties
    • worker controlled
    • kitchen teams could swap/guest in other neighborhoods to mix things up
    • you can go to cafs in other neighborhoods but there would probably be some system to anticipate demand to avoid over/under prepping (like you have a home caf but you can make reservation at another one?)

    You can eat there or get take out.


    • less food waste
    • don’t have to waste time shopping, chopping, cooking and cleaning when you don’t want to
    • will not have insane “chef” centered kitchen cultures, unless everyone working there votes in favour of this for some reason
  • Create a large network of state and/or cooperatively owned cannabis farms to mass-produce hemp for industrial purposes, and every strain of quality marijuana known to man. You think the weed’s too strong these days? That’s ok, the state will devote its resources to developing 10% THC strains that taste like a gourmet meal. You want to be sent to the moon? Why yes, there will be 99.9% pure concentrate oils widely available.

    Just as the USSR had an alcohol ration, there will be a mids ration available for all. Any unclaimed rations will be distributed to the gulags to forcibly pacify political prisoners. While high and marginally more open-minded, they will be made to play video games where every character is a black lesbian and all the messaging is based on post-colonial theory. Only after their daily shift constructing and tending the farms is finished, of course.

    Any questions?

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    1 year ago

    High speed rail running the ‘spine’ of the americas - people should be able to go from Alaska to the far end of Chille and not need to transfer (although one imagines a number of stops along the way)

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      1 year ago

      obviously, this would also be paired with a lot more freight rail, with the goal of eliminating as much intra-americas cargo voyages as possible. Really, that would be the true aim of the project, but the high-speed passenger line would be the forward face of it.

        • Zoift [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I have serious doubts we’ll ever come close to a space elevator.(or launch loop or rotovator or unobtainium of the week) Which tends to raise a lots of questions as to how exactly we’ll ship ballistic toasters.

          Power is easy. Masers and rectenna arrays have decently good conversion rates and are light, cheap, and dont require slowing down 11km/s loads of space kipple.

            • Zoift [he/him]
              1 year ago

              You’d need to launch an astonishing amount lot of equipment to offworld power production, which is why you’d develop a space industry in the first place.

              Agreed, you’d need an astonishing amount of equipment to do anything up there. Which is why i can’t imagine a logistics system on both sides of the gravity well for finished goods ever making sense. Heat shields & parachutes only get you so far when you start scaling up from a several people in a hollow capsule to bulk freight loads. Retrobraking adds a gas tax that scales with the rocket equation.

              Any tech you have for making a self-contained, pollution-sequestering factory in orbit could probably be built on the ground a whole lot easier and cheaper. Which is why i dont think we’ll end up having orbital factories without a scifi-ass megastructures or nuclear rocket engines & the headaches they bring.

              But we’ll probably keep slinging shit into orbit for a long time. Panels are cheap & getting lighter. Mirrors are cheaper & lighter still, and can multiply the effect of panels you have. And its all scaleable and implementable with current tech. Yeah, you’re never going to off-world all power production with beamed solar this way, but it’s a workable vanity project.

  • FunnyUsername [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I would go hard on pushing public nudity as fine. I don’t want to be naked in public but human bodies are normal and nothing to he ashamed of.

    Americans would fucking hate it but they’ll get over it.

  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I guess mine would be the decolonization of language. Supporting native indigenous languages until they are brought back from the brink of extinction until they completely replace Anglo.

  • determinism2 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    A circular underground tunnel for bikes. Cyclists have little umbrellas that they open up when they enter the tube and everyone rides clockwise. There are mudflaps at the entrance and exits.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    1 year ago

    We’re bringing back Roman bath houses and including spots to nap in public there in case you have like an hour and a half gap between things you have to do but it’s too far to go home. Really just more public space investment

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    1 year ago


    • All mail (letters and small items) to be delivered by a pneumatic tube systems. Civilian tubes are free. Business post cost increases considerably so only important things are sent. I don’t want fifteen tubes landing a day with junk mail in them. Parcels to be delivered by traditional post people, but better compensated and with less punishing rounds thanks to lower amounts of corporate mail.

    • New tunnels beneath water to be made of indestructable glass like an aquarium. Other policies will have reduced pollution and helped rewild the rivers and oceans for more to see. More underwater tube tunnels to be built to reduce reliance on planes and boats.

    • Vertical mega-gardens/farms in transparent towers. Tops extend upward to save space and capture sunlight, bottoms extend downward for natural geothermal warming to reduce energy consumption. Different ambient temperatures based on geothermal depth would allow for growing plants and produce native to different climates. No more shipping flowers or fruit across the planet! More tall green towers! See argriculture happen in real time!