What the title says. What are you plan on playing starfield on? Xbox or PC?
I have a PC I built around 2011-2012 and only upgraded the GPU since then. It runs games like Skyrim, Fallout, City Skylines and Civ6 at highest settings. I’m a pretty sure I’ll need a new PC.
What are all you planning on using to play starfield? I’m leaning towards PC because I enjoy modding games but curious what you with Xbox think. Will modding be easier on Xbox now that there is no PlayStation version?
PC with 11700k, 3070ti and 64gb of 3600 DDR4. Hoping I can have a stable 120 at 1440p ultra wide.
It’s gonna be 60fps locked
Do you have an article or video for that? 76 was uncapped so I assumed Starfield would be as well.
Doubtful, but anyways mods would be out so fast to uncap it.