History do be repeating itself, first as tragedy then as, you know, the thing.

They have already started speedrunning the 2016 election and blaming leftists and gay people. This time they are not even waiting for the election, they have started blaming us 5 months in advance since everybody knows it’s joever joever

please go dunk on this nerd - link

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    I just don’t want to be incarcerated for being trans

    Spoiler: that will happen under Biden too.

    Biden literally spent the last 4 years letting the Republicans do whatever the fuck they wanted half the time and implementing Republican policies on his own without them even asking him, he gave more money to the fucking Trump wall for god’s sake. You really trust that bozo will do anything at all if the Reps decide to make you illegal?

    Best case scenario you will just get the roe v wade treatment: The Dems will passively let the chuds pass bills to lock you up, doing absolutely nothing whatsoever to stop it even though they have the power to, maybe if they’re feeling generous they will cry crocodile tears on TV and social medias while pretending that they really tried to do something (even tough they didn’t) and that it’s not their fault (even though it is); and when you will turn to the cis peoples you cheered for Biden alongside with, you will find that instead of being angry at Biden for having failed to protect your right they will trip over themselves to find excuses and explain to you that it’s akshualy not Biden’s fault, “he was outvoted”, “but mhu supreme court”, etc… and will move on to the next tokenizable minority to milk for electoralism points, leaving you for dead and alone to deal with the oppressive policies of the very guy they swore would protect you against it, now that they can’t anymore pretend that Biden will protect your rights, you are no longer useful to them. They will at best ignore you, at worst find a way to blame you.