Look at the sidebar
Edit: there are very rare instances where a mod account is deleted and a community has no mod
True, I have seen a few with no mod.
Still a bit active though.
The ritual to summoning wilt beest p’rf’rm’d by two pow’rful hags. T requir’d three blood sacrifices to p’rf’rm’d ov’r three days, the lasteth one on the final day of the foison, halloween. Blood from the final sacrifice wilt then beest did collect in a chalice, wh’re one of the hags shall recite an fusty celtic incantation (which v’ry hard to heareth) at a black altar with pentagram, 5 black candles, goat death’s-head, an unidentifi’d grizzled rocketh/'re with a hexagon motif did inscribe with a metal spike protrusion protruding in its middle, a chalice did fill by blood which did collect bef’re in third sacrifice, and a celtic crosseth madeth from stone. Once done, the earth shall cracketh allowing samhain to taketh living of a meatsuit.
Um can you put that in english for someone who doesn’t speak troll?
How dareth thee besmirch mine own nameth?
PC or 3rd party apps?
You may need to tweak the settings a bit, but most do not require to.
Sidebar should show mods and, if any, rules and additional info about community.