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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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[Song: Civil War]

  • 1.61K Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • Edit2: I may have improved or just have worsen the phrasing and format; I am trying to make it more organized, but I have many points that I would like to share

    far-right propagandist

    I would be careful with that wording, it seems to be used to smear people that do not fall in line with status quo talking points.

    They both could be seen as: conservatives, religious(higher than average, but it seems Tucker is a bit more consistant on his religious morals and outlooks), somewhat libertarian (Tucker, not too sure Vince), and other things I do not recall, currently.

    consiracy story

    I would be cautious of this label, having deep talks and multiple discussions with different people that are non status quo talking points may get anyone labeled as such, I see it as another smear tactic.

    1. I see all legacy media and social media, as propaganda, everyone is trying to sway people to think a certain way, to a degree; some may have useful data/information, while others may have less, but it may push our own bias, which I see as a good thing.

    2. As we grow, hopefully, we get better at questioning and being critical of what we see in the world(IRL and the internet), I am okay with continuing to watch and read from people like him and others.

    3. We can always learn from people we do not think or agree with, even if it goes against the group think narratives or our own bias.

    4. I do not like censorship or when others think we need babying, we can watch/listen/talk to whomever we like and make our own decisions on the matter.

    • 4a. This is what politicians, gov’t, and the owner class like to do to keep us in the dark (more likely divided as working class people), censoring an already highly censored internet (highly dependent on how much you may know on policy being passed and what social media sites may hide vs. being seen and/or promoted; technofeudalism as well).
    1. I do not agree 100% with anyone, but I can find common ground where we may be able to come to a comprimise and/or friendly terms, so as to be able to continue further discussions and talks at a later time.

    I hope this may help you understand my view points a bit more, even if it may seem ‘out-there’.

    Thank you for the comment!

  • True, what a life, if you can even call it one!; all 379,387 or 388,758 [1][2] of them, according to a 2021 census. /s

    For those that do not know:

    Coventry | noun | Cov·​en·​try ˈkə-vən-trē | : a state of ostracism or exclusion | “sent to Coventry”


    Coventry, city and metropolitan borough, metropolitan county of West Midlands, historic county of Warwickshire, England.


    [1] [2]

    Edit: added info below

    More info for those interested:

    Coventry (/ˈkɒvəntri/ ⓘ KOV-ən-tree or /ˈkʌv-/ KUV-) is a cathedral city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands county, in England, on the River Sherbourne. Coventry had been a large settlement for centuries. Founded in the early Middle Ages, its city status was formally recognised in a charter of 1345. The city is governed by Coventry City Council, and the West Midlands Combined Authority.

    Formerly part of Warwickshire until 1451, and again from 1842 to 1974, Coventry had a population of 345,324 at the 2021 census, making it the tenth largest city in England and the 13th largest in the United Kingdom.

    The city was rebuilt after the war, and the motor industry thrived until the mid-1970s. However, by the late-1970s/early-1980s, Coventry was in an economic crisis, with one of the country’s highest levels of unemployment due to major plant closures and the collapse of the respective local supply-chain. In recent years, it has seen regeneration and an increase in population. The city also has three universities: Coventry University in the city centre, the University of Warwick on the southern outskirts and the smaller private Arden University with its headquarters close to Coventry Airport. In addition, Coventry was awarded UK City of Culture for 2021.

    The Romans founded a large fort on the outskirts of what is now Coventry at Baginton, next to the River Sowe, it has been excavated and partially reconstructed in modern times and is known as the Lunt Fort. The fort was probably constructed around AD 60 in connection with the Boudican revolt, and then inhabited sporadically until around 280 AD.

    Around c. AD 700 a Saxon nunnery was founded here by St Osburga, which was later left in ruins by King Canute’s invading Danish army in 1016. Leofric, Earl of Mercia and his wife Lady Godiva built on the remains of the nunnery and founded a Benedictine monastery in 1043 dedicated to St Mary. It was during this time that the legend of Lady Godiva riding naked on horseback through the streets of Coventry, to protest against unjust taxes levied on the citizens of Coventry by her husband, was alleged to have occurred. Although this story is regarded as a myth by modern historians, it has become an enduring part of Coventry’s identity.

    William Shakespeare, from nearby Stratford-upon-Avon, may have witnessed plays in Coventry during his boyhood or ‘teens’, and these may have influenced how his plays, such as Hamlet, came about.

    During the English Civil War Coventry became a bastion of the Parliamentarians: In August 1642, a Royalist force led by King Charles I attacked Coventry. After a two-day battle, however, the attackers were unable to breach the city walls, and the city’s garrison and townspeople successfully repelled the attack, forcing the King’s forces to withdraw. During the Second Civil War many Scottish Royalist prisoners were held in Coventry; it is thought likely that the idiom “sent to Coventry”, meaning to ostracise someone, derived from this period, owing to the often hostile attitude displayed towards the prisoners by the city folk.

  • Chapters:

    1. 00:00 Lookout for Your Brother
    2. 2:46 MLK Jr. and Communism
    3. 26:33 Barack Obama
    4. 28:08 Government Programs Hurting Instead of Helping
    5. 36:42 The Keys to Being Successful
    6. 39:03 Hip Hop Culture
    7. 46:01 Fatherless Homes
    8. 57:15 Ellison’s Family Gospel Music Band
    9. 1:13:24 Souls to the Polls
    10. 1:15:05 The Lies Told About Police Shootings
    11. 1:21:40 The Differences Between Men and Women
    12. 1:25:01 China and Russia Watching the US
    13. 1:35:25 The Spiritual Warfare in America
    14. 1:40:17 Why Does the Left Glorify George Floyd?
    15. 1:47:49 The End of Tolerance
    16. 1:55:48 Al Sharpton
    17. 1:59:39 Democrats Controlling Preachers and Corrupting the Church
    18. 2:07:17 The Lies of the Civil Rights Movement
    19. 2:18:40 Donald Trump: The True First Black President
    20. 2:26:04 Society Has Stopped Valuing Life
    21. 2:34:32 Slavery or Freedom Is a Choice
    22. 2:44:22 Is The Black Vote Leaving the Democrats?

  • How can you hate me if you don’t even know me? [Daryl Davis and Scott Shepherd | 12 SEP 2017 | AlJazeera]

    Meet the black blues musician who converts members of the Ku Klux Klan. More than 30 years ago, Daryl Davis, who has played with Chuck Berry, had an encounter that would change his life - and the lives of many others.

    A white man approached after a show to tell Davis that he played piano just like Jerry Lee Lewis. After a swift education on the black origins of rock and roll, the two men fell into deeper conversation during which the man revealed he was a member of the white supremacist organisation. Davis was fascinated and a lifelong obsession was born.

    Today, he is a respected authority on the KKK and claims that about 200 members have walked away from it in large part due to their friendships with him. “How can you hate me if you don’t even know me?” is the central plank of his philosophy and a question he asks of many.

    We meet Davis to talk about his methods and the current state of race relations in the United States. We also meet Scott Shepherd, a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan who now calls Davis his brother.

  • Being a bit more forceful and agressive, in showing open carry, so that we may have a better chance of changing our systematicly broken system, will not be an easy feat to accomplish.

    Great point, you are correct, the Black Panther Party also ran into that problem, where they had shoot outs with the police.

    It would need a bit of planning, knowledge of the local laws, and live filming/documenting interactions with any law enforcement/groups/people.

    In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by. – Lucille Ball

    Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. – Rocky Balboa

    Don’t pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. – Bruce Lee

  • That is the way of the internet, pretty mild stuff, compared to the wild west, but good to know of the darker side of interacting with people with many different backgrounds and thinking.

    Best we can do is try to be and do better than them!

    We can also try to be friendly and call them out, in a mild way, so as to not be too confrontational, we don’t want them to double down or scare them…

    Not sure if it would work or if the process I lined up would work in that instance, but all we can do is try!

    It reminds me of Daryl Davis.

    Daryl Davis: Why did a black man befriend the KKK? | The Stream [25:01 | SEP 12 17 | Al Jazeera English]

  • Thanks for sharing, seems you both had a great chat!

    It got a bit sad at the end, but all thing in life can’t be all happy and upbeat, life is a rollercoaster!

    How you both are doing well!

    Random thought, could lemmy integrate an opensource(FOSS?) discord-ish type of voice chat?

    It would give our community a way to listen or hear other live humans, that may share hobbies or like to interact in discussions, hahaha

    I know Louis Rossmann is working with company that is trying to make one, don’t know how popular it is…

    Here is another I found with a search: Revolt: An Open-Source Alternative to Discord