• Xanis@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Enough with decorum.

    Stop being tolerant.

    Heads aren’t meant to be constantly tilted 90° so the nose sticks straight up.

    Our tolerance, our attitudes, our desire to conform and not disrupt, the wish for better and the apathy to not strive for it. So many on the Left blame leaders they often failed to vote for. They blame decisions whose results they parrot and rarely fully understand. They try to be so different that even their opinions, who match with everyone else, become twisted in some way to stand out, striking false differences, and creating rifts and tension.

    I suggest we all shut the hell up for a few months and work together. If YOU, dear reader, want YOUR change, you can get it. Be patient and hold your head, not your nose, high to fight for a better world. We can do this despite our differences in opinion because at the end of all these long days each of us wants a better life. That’s the real reason why we argue, because better is subjective to the person, and yet may objectively be better for all, despite the uncertainty.

    We can do this.