Because I’m pretty sure the people tossing the barb believe it.
“Age doesn’t matter because Trump is worse” was the refrain on this sub for months.
It’s not the worst thing about Trump by far
That’s the problem with any kind of generic critique. If you’re always carving out an exception because it’s a two party system where one party always sucks, then “He’s too old” has no substance. You’re going to vote for whatever the only acceptable party feeds you, whether its a spry young cop-loving prosecutor from California or an 80 year old Senatorial mummy from Delaware.
Age isn’t relevant when you’re choosing between two people who are the same age. That’s no longer the case, so age is now a distinguishing factor.
Anyway, my gripe with the age talk wasn’t that age doesn’t matter; it was that Biden was being hammered on it as if Trump is somehow better in that regard.
Hell no, and I already said it’s not the most important factor. But in a sane world where both candidates are decent people, age could very well be a deciding factor for me.
But in a sane world where both candidates are decent people
The partisan divide is predicated on assuming your rivals aren’t good people. That’s why everyone loves calling each other Tankies and Communists/Fascists and foreign shills.
Let’s not pretend that Trump is a normal politician with whom we merely have policy disagreements. That was the case for most major party candidates prior to 2015, but since then it has only been the case for one major party’s candidates. The previous rules of friendly competition and debate were thrown out then. By him.
Let’s not pretend that Trump is a normal politician
He’s a celebrity-turned-politician. But he’s running on a platform that’s been baked into the GOP since the Eisenhower Administration launched Operation Wetback.
That was the case for most major party candidates prior to 2015
It’s almost like you have to look at more than just what people say about each other to determine who’s right.
Anyway, I was talking about Trump himself, not his supporters. I don’t know how it could possibly be more clear that he’s a bad person. If you can’t acknowledge that fact then I can’t take anything you say seriously.
Anyway, I was talking about Trump himself, not his supporters.
Trump can’t exist without an enormous base of zealous donors, canvasers, and loyal electoral disciples. Neither can any politician, particularly at the national level. At some level, Trump is a manifestation of his support. Otherwise, he’d have lost to Christie or Hailey or Pence.
If you can’t acknowledge that fact
You don’t need to go far in the American suburbs to find people who spout all the same rhetoric and engage in a host of the same behaviors as the Cheeto Mussolini. I’m in Texas and I’m surrounded by these people. I go visit family up in Staten Island and they’re all over the place. Step out to Arizona, Florida, Ohio… guys who admire and seek to emulate Trump, both in his politics and mannerisms, are all over this country.
“Age doesn’t matter because Trump is worse” was the refrain on this sub for months.
That’s the problem with any kind of generic critique. If you’re always carving out an exception because it’s a two party system where one party always sucks, then “He’s too old” has no substance. You’re going to vote for whatever the only acceptable party feeds you, whether its a spry young cop-loving prosecutor from California or an 80 year old Senatorial mummy from Delaware.
Age isn’t relevant when you’re choosing between two people who are the same age. That’s no longer the case, so age is now a distinguishing factor.
Anyway, my gripe with the age talk wasn’t that age doesn’t matter; it was that Biden was being hammered on it as if Trump is somehow better in that regard.
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Are you suggesting that you’d support a Trump campaign if he’d been 20 years younger?
Hell no, and I already said it’s not the most important factor. But in a sane world where both candidates are decent people, age could very well be a deciding factor for me.
The partisan divide is predicated on assuming your rivals aren’t good people. That’s why everyone loves calling each other Tankies and Communists/Fascists and foreign shills.
If you can’t see that Trump is the opposite of a good person, then I don’t know what to tell you.
You assume Trump people aren’t good people, either. And they assume the same of you.
Let’s not pretend that Trump is a normal politician with whom we merely have policy disagreements. That was the case for most major party candidates prior to 2015, but since then it has only been the case for one major party’s candidates. The previous rules of friendly competition and debate were thrown out then. By him.
He’s a celebrity-turned-politician. But he’s running on a platform that’s been baked into the GOP since the Eisenhower Administration launched Operation Wetback.
That’s completely ahistorical.
It’s almost like you have to look at more than just what people say about each other to determine who’s right.
Anyway, I was talking about Trump himself, not his supporters. I don’t know how it could possibly be more clear that he’s a bad person. If you can’t acknowledge that fact then I can’t take anything you say seriously.
Trump can’t exist without an enormous base of zealous donors, canvasers, and loyal electoral disciples. Neither can any politician, particularly at the national level. At some level, Trump is a manifestation of his support. Otherwise, he’d have lost to Christie or Hailey or Pence.
You don’t need to go far in the American suburbs to find people who spout all the same rhetoric and engage in a host of the same behaviors as the Cheeto Mussolini. I’m in Texas and I’m surrounded by these people. I go visit family up in Staten Island and they’re all over the place. Step out to Arizona, Florida, Ohio… guys who admire and seek to emulate Trump, both in his politics and mannerisms, are all over this country.