The United States unveiled sweeping sanctions Friday against almost 400 individuals and companies tied to Russia’s war in Ukraine, expanding existing measures to curb Moscow over the invasion of its neighbor.
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At this stage one must wonder why the fuck Cuba is embargoed while russia isn’t.
The Cuba embargo is entangled so deeply into US law that it is a total cluster fuck pain in the ass to undo. It’s not just one law, it’s an entire web.
We should be going through the pain in the ass to undo it, because the embargo really isn’t doing us any good and it’s keeping Cuba decades behind in development due to a 60 year old grudge. But communism or whatever.
The Cuba embargo is entangled so deeply into US law
The president has wide latitude around how Cuba is sanctioned and how those sanctions are enforced.
Obama made a number of big changes to open trade with Cuba, during his first term in office. Trump reversed them out. And Biden ignored the issue, rather than pick a fight with Cubanos in either party.
But communism or whatever.
Cuba represents an alternative viable economic system that threatens the American hegemony in the Caribbean and Latin America.
Their ideology cannot be allowed to spread. Cubans either accept full privatization or it gets the Venezuela/Gaza/Libya treatment.
You were right in the first half, but completely wrong in the second. Yeah, it’s possible to get rid of the embargo. As soon as the older Cubans pass away, it will be much easier electorally. People in the future will ask “why wasn’t it done earlier”; it’s because of single issue voters.
Cuba represents an alternative viable economic system
“Viable”? No. No one is afraid of the Cuban economy. Even the citizens of Venezuela have rejected Maduro, and they have a good view of the Cuban style economy.
Gaza and Libya don’t have economic systems anywhere close to Cuba. They are not even aligned politically. “They might not like the US at some point in their history” is not a political alignment.
No one is afraid of the Cuban economy.
After decades of embargo, and going even further to punish countries that do business with Cuba.
No shit! Sherlock.
As soon as the older Cubans pass away, it will be much easier electorally.
People have been saying that since the mid-90s. State media simply re-inflames the old hatreds with every new generation.
No one is afraid of the Cuban economy.
UNITA and FNLA were plenty afraid. The Cuban coalition with Venezuela and Nicaragua is a perpetual thorn in the side of American policy makers. They’re the largest unaligned economy in the Western Hemisphere and a global bio-tech leader despite the sanctions.
Americans are as nakedly hostile to an independent Cuba as the CCP is to an independent Taiwan.
Why are you talking about Angolan political parties? You’re not in the graduate seminar now. You have to actually explain the connections. “Largest unaligned economy”. That’s code for “no one else wants to trade with these guys”.
Americans are as nakedly hostile to an independent Cuba as the CCP is to an independent Taiwan.
No one in America outside of Cubans cares about Cuba policy, and they don’t want normalization. There’s no animosity outside of Miami.
Because Cuba makes U.S aware that Latin America should not be the latter’s backyard…
it has the situation similar to removing porn censors is in japan, political suicide to whatever politician or party that suggests it. In the case of the cuban embargo, youd basically lose most cuban voters in Florida (thus giving Florida to the other political party for a long time period)
Surely this will be the end for Russia and cause the Ukrainians to reoccupy the Donbass.
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Those people must be so god damned gullible if they still think of Putin as anything other than a big weird pansy.
It should have happened they day they moved into Crimea.