A Beluga whale whose strange harness sparked suspicions it was trained by Russia for spying purposes has been found dead in Norway, according to an NGO which tracks his movements.
Archived version: https://archive.ph/gcGXu
SpinScore: https://spinscore.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rawstory.com%2Frussian-spy-whale-found-in-norway%2F
Nicknamed “Hvaldimir” in a pun on the Norwegian word for whale, hval, and its purported ties to Moscow, the beluga first appeared off the coast in Norway’s far-northern Finnmark region in 2019.
RIP Hvaldimir, hope they didn’t treat you too poorly.
I must admit, I thought they were full of shit when they claimed they were training dolphins to do underwater patrols, but if this is real then maybe they do have some sort of animal training program.
Just wait until they get giant squid like im the red alert series.