PHILADELPHIA ā€” Last week, a local Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty attracted attention for quoting Adolf Hitler in its newsletter. After the local paper reported the story, the group added additional ā€œcontextā€ but kept the quote. Eventually, after it faced even more scrutiny, the organization removed the quote and apologized in a statement posted to its Facebook group.

That, however, was a big mistake, according to advice at the Moms for Liberty national conferenceā€™s media training session Friday.

ā€œNever apologize. Ever,ā€ said Christian Ziegler, the chairman of the Florida Republican Party. ā€œThis is my view. Other people have different views on this. I think apologizing makes you weak.ā€

He advised the attendees to instead make it clear that the Hitler comment was ā€œvileā€ but to immediately pivot to make the point that Hitler indoctrinated children in schools and that thatā€™s what Moms for Liberty was fighting against. Ziegler warned that any apology would become the headline, so that should be avoided.

You read that right. He said to not apologize for quoting Hitler. Thatā€™s what weā€™re dealing with now.

    1 year ago

    I may be butting into a topic I donā€™t understand. I donā€™t know much about these Moms for Liberty except that I thing Iā€™ve heard that they support trump.

    The quote in question is: "He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future.ā€

    Itā€™s pretty ambiguous in its meaning and intent. In the context where it was used: advocating for parents to have more control over their childrenā€™s education: aka decentralize control of children.

    But let me point you to a less catchy but far more horrifying quote:

    I rarely agree with or endorse or agree with violence. But the rise of the far-right shitbirds has really led me to believe that perhaps General Sherman really shouldā€™ve gone all the way to the sea.

    If I learned anything from playing Civilzation, even when you win a neighboring city over to your side with culture or trade alone, theyā€™re always going to be a problem. Itā€™s better to just raze the whole damn thing to the ground and start over in the same spot.

    It has 2 upvotes and Iā€™m the only downvote ā€¦

    You talk about bad faith actors using shitty strategy to derail the debate. Theyā€™re affirming that parents should have more control over their childrenā€™s education, they unwisely used a Hitler quote without enough context in one of their publication and now thatā€™s all you want to talk about.

    I havenā€™t looked into it but Iā€™m pretty sure that the greater context here is that these parents donā€™t want their kids to be taught that ā€œitā€™s ok to be gayā€ and ā€œkill the transā€ is a bad thing to say. They probably wonā€™t say it publicly, but thatā€™s what I suspect is really going on.

    And if I see them on the fediverse making these kinds of statements I might call them out on it. If I see them accusing the other side of acting in bad faith by acting in bad faith themselves, I might call them all on it. And if I see them almost directly calling for armed conflict, you bet your ass Iā€™ll DEFINITELY call them out on it.

    But guess who it is that I see acting in bad faith right now? You.

    And guess who it is that I see kinda, ā€œbut really just jokingā€, advocating for armed conflict / quasi genocide? Someone on this thread getting upvoted that I wonā€™t even give the respect of directly responding to.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Do you think maybe if youā€™re going to quote Hitler and not want to be seen as a Nazi, you shouldnā€™t use a quote which is ambiguous enough to make people think youā€™re a Nazi?