Question is, which is more annoying? The people who care about policy but think democrats will actually make good on the promises? Or the people who don’t care and just want vibes?
The first group are showing more intellectual seriousness in caring about policy, but that they think democrats are serious about policy shows they’re either naive or only care about appearing serious. The vibes people are less serious on the surface, but it f it is all spectacle then there’s a realism to doubling down on the spectacle.
idunno, does ANYONE in the entire world not see the pattern of dems promising big policy idea and then not following through?
Fucks sake, the last 10 things they said they would do they went on to not fucking do
Um, excuse me!
I hate these graphics, good god they put down a scale but didn’t label it or tell people what the fuck they’re measuring.
It’s all arbitrary
lol, I like how the progress bar doesn’t even put his face all the way to the right so it kinda seems like it’s not a 100%.
I guarantee the end of the bar is “promise exceeded” or some other bs
lol, yeah. You’re probably right!
But it’s all anyway.
Do they think people don’t think about these details?
A lot of people really don’t!
Yeah, but the billion dollar news conglomerates don’t care
This is a call to action: Slap every liberal in your life in the face
I’m curing cancer Jack!
Mind you I’m not talking about what an actual Harris presidency would accomplish, I’m talking about campaign marketing.
Naw I know, I just was saying how people should be able to see past it and its frustrating that they dont
Question is, which is more annoying? The people who care about policy but think democrats will actually make good on the promises? Or the people who don’t care and just want vibes?
The first group are showing more intellectual seriousness in caring about policy, but that they think democrats are serious about policy shows they’re either naive or only care about appearing serious. The vibes people are less serious on the surface, but it f it is all spectacle then there’s a realism to doubling down on the spectacle.