Is this a real photo? Did Lonnie clown around like a doofy cheerleader on stage?
It’s amazing that despite billions of dollars, a desperate need for attention, and owning multiple companies in objectively cool industries, I have never seen him look cool in a picture.
hundreds of billions (at least for now)
Guys, he didn’t even have money to buy twitter. Net worth != real money.
Moreso danced like a totally real robot
I love that his belt buckle blends in to his fat and he looks like he’s wearing some kind of slimming garment.
Tbf i think it’s because he’s at the apex of his jump (like 6in off the ground lol) so the gut kind of shifted up as he came back down. Doesn’t make the image any less absurd, but it came to mind when I didn’t even recognize the dude. I think the same thing is happening to his jowls in the photo. Either way the man-child is ridiculous. And so is the other one.
You… “love” that?
Don’t kinkshame others.
Wake up babe new wojack just dropped
🎵Throw your hands in the air, if you’re a pedo playa
Given Trump’s rallies, that seems like a rational fear to have.
The pictures make it seems more than what it is. From the video I’ve seen, he only does two pathetic jumps and barely gets off the ground.