I love how decisions have consequences. I try to not reload and try different options on my first play-thru. I roll with the decisions I make and enemies I create (usually accidentally in a firefight). With FO4 this usually didn’t have an enormous effect.

I’ll be vague in an example: I was caught doing something illegal and the settlement security made me an offer to “get out of jail free” if I did something for them. I wanted to finish the quest I was on so I opted to pay my fine and serve my time. And then I was notified that I was enemies with this faction.

In a random firefight with “bad guys” Members of this faction joined in the fight and then started attacking me. What’s the harm in looting their ship when I’m done? I find out my companion (that I’m trying to develop) is part of that faction and very much dislikes me looting the ship. And he even makes comments that he’s mad at me but he’s with me until we finish the quest.

It’s made ship travel much more treacherous since instead of having help I often have two enemies to fight.

This is like FO:NV where decisions changed the game as much as they do. It’s great!

I think they nailed the “emergent gameplay” part really well.