Hello, this is the start of what will hopefully be a series, of translated stories from the greatest Swedish forum thread I have ever read, it requires a bit of an introduction though.

First things first, dear mods, if you feel like this breaks the rules, let me know and I’ll end the series. That being said, I plan on only making one post/week to not spam the community.

Ok, so what is this series?

Flashback is a huge Swedish forum which has existed on the internet for decades, they brand themselves as providing “real freedom of speach”, you can discuss anything there, and people do.

These days Flashback is home to a lot of racism and sexism as people can post without a filter, I will not be reposting that here.

The thread I will be posting from is called “Dumma saker ni gjort”, and is a thread that was active for years in the early 2000s, it contains posts about the idiotic things kids did when they were young.

Now as this is a Swedish forum the entire thread is in Swedish I will translate the posts into English, but since a lot of posts contains terrible spelling which is very hard to translate completely you will get a sanatized version.

I hope this series will be a funny and interesting look at growing up in Sweden in the 1990-2000s.

I have however no way to verify the truth of the stories, so please take them at face value snd just enjoy the stories.

Ok with all of that out of the way, here are a few funny stories to get started:

Post ID 00001

Author: Benno

14Är. Jag Ä morsan ska Äka ut och handla, jag gÄr ut före med bilnycklarna. Brevid bilen Àr det en gatubrunn, jag fÄr för mig att testa utifall nyckelknippan eventuellt skulle kunna komma ner mellan springorna. Efter mycket joxande fÄr jag ner dem mellan springorna. Men tÀnker jag, det mÄste vara omöjligt att tappa ner dem frÄn en meters höjd. Men det gick, plumps sa det nÀr nycklarna föll i vattnet nere i brunnen, precis dÄ kommer morsan ut gissa om hon blev glad. Vi fick ringa till gatukontoret som fick skicka ut en gubbe med nÄn jÀvla skoppa. Jag fick grÀva i den Àckliga sörjan efter nycklarna. TvÄ timmar senare kunde vi Äka ivÀg 1200:- spÀnn fattigare och en visdom rikare.

14 years old. My mum and I was heading out to shop groceries, I walk out to the car ahead of my mum and had the car keys. Next to the car there was a drainage grate, I get the urge to to see if I could fit the car keys through the grate, and after a bit of work I manage it, but I then decided that it must be impossible to drop the keys from a meter up and have them fall through the grate.

I was proven wrong with a splash just as mum came out to the car, she was not pleased at the situation. We had to call the municipal road administration who sent out an old guy with a digger, I had to dig through the muck with my bare hands to find the car keys.

Two hours late and 1200 SEK poorer we were finally on our way.

Post ID 00005

Author: stargazer

mellanstadiet : Vi hade en hiss i skolan (som vi naturligtvis aldrig fick Äka i). Det var endast tvÄ vÄningar. SÄ fick jag den storslagna idén att kila fast knapparna med knappnÄlar sÄ de var intryckta hela tiden, alltsÄ bÄde 1:an och tvÄan, vilket resulterade i att hissen gick upp och ner hela tiden och aldrig stannade.

10-12 years old: We had a lift at school that we students were never allowed to use, our school was only two stories tall. I got the brilliant idea to pin down both floor buttons inside the elevator using sewing needles so both buttons were allways pushed down, this resulted in the elevator continously moving between the floors, never stopping.

Post ID 00008

Author: Flubbe

NĂ€r jag var i tolvĂ„rs Ă„ldern sĂ„ var jag vĂ€ldigt fascinerad av fĂ€rgerna som uppkommer om man lĂ€gger en stark magnet mot bildröret pĂ„ en TV. Skulle ju givetvis testa detta pĂ„ farsans splitternya dumburk, kan sĂ€ga att det inte tog speciellt lĂ„ng tid innan bilden blev helt förvrĂ€ngd och tv:n var kass. Givetvis hade jag inte en “aaaning” om vad som hade hĂ€nt nĂ€r farsan kommer instormande pĂ„ mitt rum och undrar vad i helvete jag har gjort med han nya Ă€lskling

When I was about 12 I got very facinated by the colours that appear on the screen of a CRT TV if you place a strong magnet near the picture tube. This naturally had to be tested on dad’s new TV, I can tell you that it didn’t take long for the picture to be totally messed up. I obviously had no idea about anything when dad stormed into my room asking about what the hell had happened to his new darling

Right this is enough for now, I hope you enjoy it!

    • stoyOP
      1 day ago

      Thank you, I love the thread and have wanted to show it off to more people, and felt like this is the perfect place.

      I will do it slow and steady to try and make it last as long as possible.

  • edgemaster72@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Seems fun, I look forward to more posts. I also really like the idea that, given the time these stories originally took place, it’s entirely possible these people now have kids doing stupid shit at around the same age the posters were when they did their stupid shit.

    • stoyOP
      2 days ago

      I hadn’t even thought about that!

      The thread started in 2003, so the thread is 21 years old, it has 90+ pages of glorious stupidities.

      If I were a parent I would absolutely show my kids this thread, once they are older