Hello again, I have decided to try and make these posts on fridays, to celebrate the end of the week!

Here are some more stories from the amazing thread “Dumma saker ni gjort” on the Swedish forum Flashback!

Just a clarification, you may have noticed that I include the post ID of the stories, that is just for me to keep track of what post in the thread I am currently using, I may not be using all of the post in my compilation, this is both to make it easier to read, but also to make it quicker to make these posts as I make them on my phone.

Finally, I claim no copyright of anything in these posts.

Here we go!

Post ID 00016

Author: Le Saboteur

Jag och en kompis skulle Ă„ka min lĂ„dbil som jag hade byggt. Vi hittade en bra och fin backe och jag lĂ€gger i min kompis som testförare. Jag börjar putta pĂ„ innan backen börjar och fĂ„r upp en skitbra fart. Min kompis blir dock rĂ€dd och sĂ€ger Ă„t mig och stanna bilen. Dum som jag Ă€r tĂ€nkte jag att den stannar utav sig sjĂ€lv om man slĂ€pper den. Detta var som sagt aldeles innan en nerförsbacke och bilen stannar inte. Utan kör fort som fan ner för backen och ‘‘hoppar’’ över trotarkanten och landar pĂ„ en grĂ€splĂ€tt. Min kompis fick en lĂ€tt hjĂ€rnskakning som tack för sitt testkörande

Me and a friend was heqding out to ride my soapbox cart that I had built.

We found a nice hill to go down, and I put my friend in the soapbox cart as a test driver.

I give the cart a little push, and soon it picks up speed, my friend calls out to me to stop, but me being stupid though “it will stop on it’s own if you let go”.

Well, it didn’t stop, instead it hits the main part of the hill. At the end of the hill the cart hit the curb of the sidewalk, and jumps onto a patch of grass.

My friend got a concussion as thanks for being a test driver

Post ID 00022

Author: Renegade

11 Ă„r. Ute med polare i skogen bakom dĂ€r jag bodde, pĂ„ kvĂ€llen samma dag som vĂ„rstĂ€dningen varit i omrĂ„det. Det fanns mĂ„nga stora papperssĂ€ckar med sly och annat som var rensat. Vi samlade ihop ett antal sĂ€ckar och tuttade pĂ„. Brann som fan, minre skogsbrand tilltog. BrandkĂ„ren kom. Alla barnen samlades och tittade pĂ„. BrandmĂ€staren hade lĂ„ng förelĂ€sning för alla barn om faran med eld. Detta var ett bra varningsexempel, antagligen gjort av en professionell pyroman med onda avsikter tyckte han
 Fan heller, men det var coolt som fan att elda

Eleven years old, out in the woods with my friends behind my house, it was in the evening after the community spring cleaning, and we found large paper sacks with dead and unwanted branches, plants and other garden trash that had been cleaned up earlier.

We collected a number of sacks and lit them on fire.

It burned like crazy, and soon we had a minor forrest fire om our hands.

The fire department came and dealt with it, and later had a long lecture for us kids about the dangers of fire, this was good warning, probably done by a professional pryomanic with bad intent was what the lecturer thought.

Hell no, but it was cool as hell to burn stuff

Post ID 00024

Author: Twitching Heep

Tre Är.  Min bror fyller Är. Han och Hans/min kusin ligger i samma rum, jag och mor kommer in i rummet för att gratulera honom. Bror och kusin Àr yrvakna, jag tar upp en toffla och drÀmmer den i huvudet pÄ kusin. Kusin fÄr ett brutalt uppvaknande, och en stadig bula.

Three years old, my brother’s birthday, he and one of our cousins are sharing a room, me and my mum were entering the  room to wake up and congratulate my brother, however they just woke up before so they are a bit dazed, so I pick up a slipper and whack my cousin in his head with it.

My cousin got a rude wakeup and bump on his head.

Post ID 00025

Author: tjoho

7-8 Är: Stor militÀrövning i vÄrt lilla samhÀlle. 300-400 grönklÀdda sitter pÄ marken och Àter, dÄ tar jag och 2 polare vÄrt samlade förrÄd av pÄsksmÀllare och brassar pÄ i en gammal plÄttunna 20 meter dÀrifrÄn. Alla grönklÀder far upp som skitna ur en kanin, fram med vapen och jagar oss genom skogen. H-vete vad vi sprang, hade nog svÄrt att sova den natten.

7-8 years old, there is a large military exercise in our little town. Me and my two friends se 3-400 military guys in green clothes sitting on the ground eating a meal.

Me and my friends take our collection of firecrackers since easter, and set them off in an old metal drum 20 meters from the military guys, who all jumped up, grabbed their guns, and started chasing us through a local forrest.

We ran fast as hell, and when we got back home in time for bed we had a really hard time trying to sleep

Post ID 00060

Author: Tussan

3-4 Ă„r
stoppar glatt toapapper i brödrosten
tog sig riktigt fint, spreds t gardinen i köket, dĂ„ min ömma moder kommer farandes upp fr tvĂ€ttstugan och rĂ€ddar huset!

3-4 years old, happily shoving toiletpaper in the toaster
 As the fire spread to the curtains in the kitchen, my dear mother commes rushing up from the laundry room and saves the house!

Post ID 00064

Author: La Saboteur

12-13Är Vi stÄr ett gÀng pÄ 5-6killar och lÄtsas misshandla en som ligger i mitten, tex nÀr bussen kommer, Bara för att se hur de ska regagera, nÄn gÄng stannade en bil och dÄ stÀllde sig alla och skrattade och sprang utav bara fan.

12-13  years old, me and a group of 5-6 boys stood around and pretedned to assault one in the middle, we did  this when the bus arrived, just to see the reaction, at some point a car stopped, and we just laughed and ran away.

Post ID 00067

Author: Damericus

Kastade snöboll pĂ„ en gammal gubbes hus, jĂ€ttekul tyckte vi. Ända tills han kom ut och kastade tillbaks. Inte fan visste vi att han var en gammal handbolls spelare! Har aldrig fĂ„tt sĂ„ ont av snöbollar förut.

Me and a some friends decided to throw snowballs at an old man’s house, we thought it was hillarious, untill the old man came out and threw snowballs back at us!

We had no idea that he was an old handball player, I have never had snowballs hurt that much before.

Post ID 00068

Author: brobban

Sen pÄ hemkunskapen i 9:an sÄ fjutta en kompis eld pÄ bordsduken, vÄr lÀrare fÄr panik och bara vrÄlar som en besatt medans en annan kompis resolut slÄr handflatan i duken tills det slocknar.

During one lesson in home economics in year 9 (about 15 years old) a friend set the tablecloth on fire, our teacher panics and just starts shouting while another friend puts out the fire by repeatedly smacking the tablecloth with the palm of his hand.

[EDIT] - Formating