This kid still works for the company and his parents don’t “blame” the company, saying it could have happened to anyone…

  • solsangraal
    5 months ago

    For their part, Derrik and his parents say they do not hold Rotschy responsible. It was a fluke, an unlucky break — not the company being neglectful, they said. They hope officials can learn lessons from what happened, but that the school program does not end.

    “I don’t think Rotschy failed my son in any way,” Derrik’s dad said. “All these events culminated into this accident.”

    wow. impressive that they’re both bootlicking and guzzling koolaid simultaneously. at first i hoped that the company paid them off to say that shit, but it’s a for-profit company. and they’re the sort of parents who would let their teenage son go to work around human-shredding heavy machinery, so, doubt