Just completed season 1 of LoK. For context Amon father was a bloodbender who can bloodbend even on day but his bloodbending got taken away by Aang. Amon and his brother still become a bloodbender.
I thought the twist of Amon being a bender really undercuts that seasons story arc. The Equalists were asking a questions that makes sense in their world, benders are ridiculously more powerful than non-benders and in their world’s history (at least in Aang’s time) held almost all significant offices. The equalists had a fair question about how to even the play fielding for all citizens. But this question isnt answered or considered, Amon comes out at as a bender and the equalist movement is forgotten about
If you start paying attention to it, you’ll find that superhero media tends to do that sort of thing a lot.
Just watched the video. Couldn’t agree more and suprised I hadn’t noticed this earlier. The one time I noticed it happening was when watching Black Panther and wondering why Killmonger started becoming illogical and erratic after he legitimately won the throne.
I haven’t seen Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but unless I am missing some context, the line in the video here when falcon says “when things get better for one group, things always get worse for another” is just crazy! Especially having Falcon say it is even more crazy
I haven’t seen this yet, but the title alone is amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Totally agree. I still really liked LoK but it tried to interrogate much more complicated politics than ATLA and really highlighted for me how much the showwriters and I disagreed. Both Amon and Zaheer are undercut for seemingly no good reason. I hated how they portrayed the fall of the earth monarchy.
Ha I also just finished watching the first season. Based on the time you posted this there’s a good chance we were watching it at the same time.
Was Amon and his brother born before or after Aang did this?