For me other than the lack of time it’s the toxicity, if you have say one hour to play, do you really want to listen to some no-life cunt who has been playing all day screaming at you because they are tilted as fuck and need to blame everyone else but themselves? Well I certainly don’t need that shit in my life.
Honestly there second someone starts talking during a game I just go and mute them. 99.9% of the time it’s really annoying. Once in a while you get someone who actually knows what they’re doing and talking about, isn’t a dick, and actually gives good advice or help. But that happens so rarely it’s not worth it
I don’t listen to any cunts in online games, voice chat is off. For some reason the kids these days think you can’t play a game without a headset and mic on. I don’t even own one of those dumbass headsets. I can still be competitive in FPS games without any of that too.
For me other than the lack of time it’s the toxicity, if you have say one hour to play, do you really want to listen to some no-life cunt who has been playing all day screaming at you because they are tilted as fuck and need to blame everyone else but themselves? Well I certainly don’t need that shit in my life.
Honestly there second someone starts talking during a game I just go and mute them. 99.9% of the time it’s really annoying. Once in a while you get someone who actually knows what they’re doing and talking about, isn’t a dick, and actually gives good advice or help. But that happens so rarely it’s not worth it
I don’t listen to any cunts in online games, voice chat is off. For some reason the kids these days think you can’t play a game without a headset and mic on. I don’t even own one of those dumbass headsets. I can still be competitive in FPS games without any of that too.