• solsangraal
    3 months ago

    the ultra wealthy have their own entire culture, completely segregated from the poors. they only socialize with each other. they travel and visit places only mega-wealth can afford. they don’t talk to the “help.” their kids are raised entirely within this bubble, only coming into contact with other obscenely wealthy kids. attaining to the absolute top of the pyramid, being the most richest/powerful of all is pretty much their only purpose for existence. it seems like life should be about more than that, but for them, it isn’t. everything they do makes more sense when you examine it with all this in mind

    they don’t care about you and me–we are less than human to them. whether we suffer, live, die–they couldn’t give less of a flying fuck. all they want from us is the last little bit of money we have, and for us to be good compliant obedient little slaves