I’ve also got the Linux Basics for Hackers book but it’s at home while I’m on vacation.

I’m just really happy rn yall :) this install took some work, SecureBoot kept getting in the way and I’m not the most savvy person so there was a lot of Googling and trial and error in the way of getting here.

  • Laurel Raven
    3 months ago

    Congrats! Made the switch finally early this year myself, after thinking about it for nearly twenty years. Hasn’t been nearly as hard as I was worried it would be.

    I will say that the “Linux Basics for Hackers” is a pretty disappointing book that really should just be called “Linux Basics”, and spends too much time pandering with things like “cool” scripts that do nothing useful or wrap a simple command in a way that doesn’t actually make it more useful or easier. It’s also full of inaccuracies and just isn’t very well written, and if you’ve gotten through much at all of How Linux Works, you’re not likely to get anything out of it.