(i lied)

  • MooseTheDog@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I accept that we inhabit a small, moss-covered rock hurtling through the vastness of space. Our existence is the result of a mathematically improbable chance and countless years of what could be described as ‘luck.’ In such a chaotic and unpredictable universe, it is in our best interest to create social systems that foster order. While we have evolved to shield ourselves from the cold, unyielding expanse of space, we have yet to fully evolve to protect ourselves from one another. It’s akin to taking honey from a hive of angry bees without protective gear—bees instinctively defend themselves against a human intruder, but we as humans cannot do the same. We only see other humans. So the problem persists.

    Brain Thompson was a fellow bee taking way more honey from us than we would otherwise allow. He was always going to do this, yet we didn’t respond until the mask he wore was an insult to much to bear. We gave him every opportunity to change his way, and he had the responsibility to point the company in another direction. It was only after refusing the call again and again, choosing profits over people, that we saw him for what he was. Eventually the matter is settled by someone keeping score. Although I would much rather see him pay for every life he’s taken, we all know that was never going to happen. What my man Luigi did was an abortion of justice, but one far far less severe than the ruthless murdering that Brain welcomed, engaged in, and profited from. He was a real life “Napoleon”, if you mind the Animal Farm reference. We’re simply better off without him.