All this ram and what is it even for? I want to keep my train app open so i can see if there’s a delay on my journey but god forbid i open signal to answer a message and suddenly the OS be like SHIT FUCK TIME TO CULLLLLLLL and I go back to my train app to find its closed it down and I’ve lost the train page i was on. So… I have to go back into the fucking search to go find it again… But that doesn’t work because if the trains already departed it doesn’t let me go back in time…

Why… Why… If we’re gonna pillage half the world and burn it to the ground YOU COULD AT LEAST LET ME KEEP 2 APPS OPEN. Can’t even pin apps anymore to prevent me from accidentally closing them… why? Why whats the point in removing that featue… Don’t worry though google will probably swap around the silent/vibrate function with the pRiOriTy nOtfiCatiOn shit again because why not

    3 months ago

    MIUI is very aggressive with background processes. There’s now 2-3 menus to descend into each time an app really needs to be excluded. I’m mostly okay with it because it probably contributed to why I charge my >4 year old phone every 2 days but in the cases where I’ve overriden it I can say there’s not much less of battery life… Like an email client checking every 10 mins and some other stuff has virtually zero impact.

    I did disable almost all the animation and the notification drawer blur effect and my phone feels faster than any current flagship lol

    My only peeve is the exclusions and such not being respected every time after reboots. When I do reboot, I sometimes have to restart two or three times or it’ll just randomly be killing some process it hasn’t cared about in months.

    • Hexamerous [none/use name]
      3 months ago

      There’s now 2-3 menus to descend into each time an app really needs to be excluded.

      To anyone who find this note. It’s been two days since I descended into settings. I mindlessly went into the accessibility settings and ended up triggering some kind of trap. The display is all fucked up and I couldn’t click anything. I finally escaped the robot voice that reads everything out loud but ended up in some developer setting. I can’t even remember why I went in here.

      This will be my last entry. I’m almost out of batteries.