Every group chat seems to die the moment I send 1-2 texts there. Every single one. Old, new, offline friends, online friends, everywhere. What’s going on? Are my jokes bad? Have you ever experienced this? If yes, what was the issue you found out?

  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    There is an enormous range of age and intelligence in a place like this. It only takes a couple of dumb kids to create negativity. The entire demographic at some point in time may not align with you.

    Like I’m abstracted in functional thought. Many people cannot follow abstractions or contextualize them well. People that lack self awareness about the spectrum of human functional thought and assume they are some kind of universal standard and authority are the primary negative that causes you to question yourself in ways like this post. There is no standard. There are several types of functional thought, and of those, a few will struggle to effectively understand yours. That is okay. The world is not a binary. Right and wrong are idealized oversimplifications. There are exceptions to every rule. You likely encounter people that do not understand you as well as you would like, but that is going to happen with a group that contains a large spectrum of people.

    Like some people care about personality. I care about curiosity, and want to engage with interesting stuff with depth on the edge of what I understand. I also want to question everything and look at subjects from different angles. Lots of people make stupid assumptions about unconventional angles of questioning a subject.