• shalafi@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    “A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers,” Ramaswamy wrote, calling for a 1950s-style “Sputnik moment” to prioritize “nerdiness over conformity.”

    Gotta agree with the man. OTOH, young people have commented that high school isn’t like that anymore? When I did my time (80s), good grades were socially frowned upon.

    And yes, American workers are lazier than we used to be. We need more solid protections (unions anyone?), but we have to hold up our end as well. My Filipino wife runs circles around her American coworkers, in any given job, and happy to do so. She’s well loved and moves up quickly. Meanwhile, at lemmy, “I ain’t doing shit.”

    Many employers have abandoned us, and we’re seeing the results of that, but loyalty is a 2-way street. No idea how to reverse this downward spiral. For my part, I’ll continue to work my best only for employers that respect me. But I will not quiet quit. I will move on. And yes, you can move on. I can look around a fast food place or convenience store and quickly figure out if the employer or manager is shit. Go to another one.

    He’s right in that we need better education, but FFS, it’s the GOP constantly undermining it. And Trump wants to drop the Secretary of Education?! My wife woke me to the abysmal nature of education in America. Not even mad or condemning us, she’s merely puzzled. She has a degree, and 40+ continuing ed certs, in early childhood education. Oh fuck me y’all would be swole if you knew what I knew.

    I’ve seen videos of her teaching in the Philippines at her own little school. In one exercise, the 3-year olds are funneling colored water into containers. “What are you teaching here?” “Hand eye coordination.” Fuck me, we were thrown on the floor with blocks until we were 5, and kindergarten was still mostly daycare. These “schools” won’t allow her to teach anything. The mildest proposals are met with, “We’re not doing that.” She has been denied when asking to draw up a lesson plan.

    In the Philippines, they start reading at 3. By 4 they know 4-5 letter words and have started arithmetic. And this isn’t some tiger mom bullshit. These kids are having a blast! They love competing and helping one another. One 6-yo got on stage at a graduation thing and gave a talk. I seriously doubt many full-grown Americans would be as smooth. Hopefully we’ll get the school reopened back there.

    Here in America, she’s given up her career, nothing to be had but minimum wage. She could make more at Walmart and actually have benefits. She has a pretty great job now, loves it, but it’s not her passion.

    And don’t get me started on a couple of decades of the school system cranking out goose-stepping little conformists. That’s a whole-ass essay.