That’s an hour along 65S into the 465 loop on the west side: Whitestown, Zionsville, and Brownsberg. Of them Zionsville is the “worst” because there’s money. For example, they used taxpayer money to open a water park then started charging an entry fee to keep the poor people away.
There’s a roadsign I’ve driven by in Indiana labeled: Whitestown
Or something along those lines. Why those three names are on the same sign next to each other, I can only assume it’s a portal to Israel.
East Klansville, Alabama
Good lord
That’s an hour along 65S into the 465 loop on the west side: Whitestown, Zionsville, and Brownsberg. Of them Zionsville is the “worst” because there’s money. For example, they used taxpayer money to open a water park then started charging an entry fee to keep the poor people away.