I’ve been playing double dash recently and it seems like the least dumbed down Mario kart game.
I love that each racer has their own special, I love that you need to swap out the racers to actually get a second power up.
The game has been really fun. I just lost gold on special cup by 2 points. I did terribly on rainbow road with toad 😂
Man idk I personally feel like they nailed it with MK8. I love a ton of things about the older games but I think it’s heavily nostalgia driven. I find it hard to go backwards now that 8 exists.
For me it’s between double dash, DS, and 8DX
8DX is probably the one that looks like it would be the best on paper. But it missing the stuff you brought up from double dash and also the mission mode from DS keeps the other two in contention and makes it become a more subjective choice at the end of the day.
I’m not sure. I preferred MK64 back in the day.
I think the specials make the game quite unbalanced. It’s more about picking favorite special rather than favorite character. If you don’t like a particular special, well then you will never play those characters (I’m looking at you Peach and Daisy).
With the other MK games I just pick whatever character I feel like playing today.
I also didn’t like how triple shells became limited to the Koopas only. Those should be accessible by everyone.
DD is to my mind the best MK, though I have not played 8.
8DX has something crazy like 128 tracks, which makes me like it more than the rest, but I do wish it was more dynamic like DD.
It’s the only one that let’s you play as two racers at a time. No other game in the series does this.
So the answer is yes.
Nope, Mario Kart 64 is best hands down
Best battle mode!
I personally lean towards Wii. The feel of the inline bikes just hasn’t been matched. Super Circuit a close second for nostalgia reasons.
I love MKW but bikes in Wii were very overpowered compared to karts. They tried to balance the four vehicle types in MK8 (DX), and now they more or less all have their strong points.
In particular the Bowser bike in Wii was incredible.
I just love the feeling of zipping around with the Mach Bike. In MK8, they’re not quite as responsive and don’t feel as good as the karts do, so it’s almost the opposite problem
IMO yes and it ain’t particularly close
Double Dash was the best one. Eight-Deluxe is good but there’s no real reason to pick one racer over another.
I don’t know if it’s the best one (that’s probably Mario Kart 8 although I don’t care for it), but it’s the most fun for me.
The items and characters make for fun strategy in choosing a team a kart. It may not be super balanced but it’s fun and not as unbalanced as Mario Kart Wii imo. One of my bucket list items is to play a 8/16 player race on 8 GCNs using the LAN adapter
For me the best is the OG Mario Kart for SNES. For 4 players I agree with you. For online I enjoyed Mario Kart DS.