Time sensitive question btw
Go watch Eddy Burback’s Rainforest Cafe, Margaritaville, Olive Garden vs Italy trilogy.
Seconded, this is the kinda slop I like to throw on after a bowl
0.5 A Presses is a classic, Using various glitches this guy explains how he was able to beat a level in Super Mario 64 by pressing the A button 0.5 times. Everything is laid out clearly and concisely, parallel universes come into play.
you can pick any of this guy’s videos and you’d be pretty good. I highly recommend the one about lesbian neovictorian neo-nazi game developers.
I watched this video for the first time with a bunch of friends doing whippits
on a hot couch. Great times.
One of the all-time-great video essays. This one is worth a actual watch-through, of only to see the incredible visualizations of an absurdly complex, but relatable topic.
Ok, last one I promise. This is a talk by a security consultant who specializes in penetration testing. Meaning, this dude is paid to break into facilities by any means necessary. A lot of high tech stuff and a lot of low tech stuff and it is mindblowing how many security measures are illusiory.
He also seems like a pretty decent dude.
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Jenny Nicholson’s video about the failed Disney World Star Wars LARP hotel is four hours long and when it’s over you’ll wish it was longer.
Took me two days to watch, but yeah. What a fascinating trainwreck of capitalism.
Yeah I watched it in three or four sittings, but only because I had obligations. I absolutely could have sat through all four hours in one go.
Two of my favs (I love infrastructure):
Well There’s Your Problem - Groverhaus (technically a podcast with slides more than a video essay)
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Action Button reviews Boku no Natsuyasumi (I find Tim Rogers hypnotic even when sober)
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Literally perfect for when you’re high and trying to fall asleep. This video reminds me of all of my reasons to live, it’s so good
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The Highlander.
This is one of my favorite classic YT video essays, the most popular video of a niche video essayer who never blew up during the era where video essays were still a relatively new phenomena and confined to leftist spaces.
It’s a video essay about Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri. It combines late 90s 3D visuals, a game that was a fascinating relic of it’s time with interesting ideas on the future, and a breakdown of it’s place in history and what it was trying to say.
And I really like the guy’s voice. Even though it never blew up at 50k views over 5 years it remains my comfort food video essay, especially after a bowl.
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Star Trek: Acid Party is very lore deep.
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Even if you don’t like hiphop, or like me, know anything about it, all of FD signifier’s hiphop videos are great.
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I’ll just leave this here: https://media.ccc.de/c/38c3
Not sure if you can strictly call these “video essays”, these are talks from the last Chaos Communication Congress that happened roughly two weeks ago. There are a lot of German ones, but many are in English as well (you can tell by the title). For the German ones there will usually be an English translation available, but as these are done live and many talks are deeply technical the quality will vary.
You also can go to older conferences by iterating the number in the URL down (37c3, 36c3, etc.)
One of the best English talks this year was from some Polish hackers about the legal aftermath of hacking a train (hired by the owner to do so, the manufacturer wasn’t too happy though). The technical side of the hack they already talked about on the congress last year, so might make sense to watch both videos:
https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-we-ve-not-been-trained-for-this-life-after-the-newag-drm-disclosureAs for what to watch specifically when high, if you have any interest in cognitive sciences and AI at all the obvious recommendation would be this:
Not a video essay per se, but 30 minutes of the best content ever created for Youtube. And even more enthralling if you’re high.
It’s a timelapse of the universe to its ultimate conclusion based on current scientific theories. But the wild thing is how fast it goes by- all stars are already dead within 5 minutes and there’s 25 more minutes to go!
i watched this and it was a hell of a trip
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Sometimes I like getting high as hell and watching Esoterica.