You can enjoy what you want, just don’t name it as something already stablished. Of ypu say you are doing a beef BBQ and suddenly you bring chicken saying “yeah we do beef with chicken in this house” is as stupid as someone adding extra ingredients into a dish and not changing the name.
It’s not NoCheeseanara but you’ve put cheese in it, so your analogy is bad. If you said you were going to do a bbq and bought chicken Instead of beef that would be fine.
You can enjoy what you want, just don’t name it as something already stablished. Of ypu say you are doing a beef BBQ and suddenly you bring chicken saying “yeah we do beef with chicken in this house” is as stupid as someone adding extra ingredients into a dish and not changing the name.
Dishes evolve, the name stays.
It’s not NoCheeseanara but you’ve put cheese in it, so your analogy is bad. If you said you were going to do a bbq and bought chicken Instead of beef that would be fine.