Imagine Henry Ford saying, “You can have any color you want as long as you want black.” and then adding, “And if you paint the car red we will shoot you!”
He would likely also add, “if you’re a Jew, please step into the traincar which will provide you safe passage to the summer camp where warm showers we have provided await.”
Generally yes, they tell people not to repaint them and if they do there’s a sternly worded letter to change it back. If you do not they won’t sell you another Ferrari. You could find someone to sell you one, but anyone who third party sells a Ferrari is also blacklisted. (Since all sales technically involve you selling it back to Ferrari, then THEY sell it to the person)
You also agree to these terms (painting, not debadging, etc) when you bought the car. There have been some examples where Ferrari even sued over “use of vehicle for malicious intent”
Imagine Henry Ford saying, “You can have any color you want as long as you want black.” and then adding, “And if you paint the car red we will shoot you!”
He would likely also add, “if you’re a Jew, please step into the traincar which will provide you safe passage to the summer camp where warm showers we have provided await.”
Ferrari don’t like when you paint their cars so you’re not far from reality
If I bought it, fuck em. They (hypothetically) already have my money
Generally yes, they tell people not to repaint them and if they do there’s a sternly worded letter to change it back. If you do not they won’t sell you another Ferrari. You could find someone to sell you one, but anyone who third party sells a Ferrari is also blacklisted. (Since all sales technically involve you selling it back to Ferrari, then THEY sell it to the person)
You also agree to these terms (painting, not debadging, etc) when you bought the car. There have been some examples where Ferrari even sued over “use of vehicle for malicious intent”
Oh no, they won’t sell me another Ferrari?! What will I ever do??
That’s honestly pretty fucking wild
Ferrari disagrees. Expensive sports cars are kind of a different story than driver’s licenses, though.