When you cast Chain Lightning at nothing.
Now playing Electric Six - High Voltage
Edit: all credit due to [email protected]
I think that still is actually from this video of a switch opening. Sound on, it’s real neat.
🥴 I like the way this tickles my brain
Everything is a wire if the voltage is high enough.
Every machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough.
I was interviewed for a position where lady handed me a pen and asked if it was a conductor.
I replied: "if the voltage is high enough, yea. She scoffed. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job.
Honestly I think you gave the experienced adult answer to what was a high school or even middle school science question.
that just sounds like a weird interview.
“you’re qualified for this position if, and only if, you can answer a useless question with only a rudimentary understanding of the subject and no critical thought”
if true, you dodged a bullet
Oi! As an engineer I worked damn hard to trap that magic smoke in the machine only for you to let it out and try perfectly good components. Treat your machines with respect, they’re getting smarter by the day and they’re forgetting less and less!
-Sun Tzu
The dog breed?
I went to a zoo the other day. Only had one animal, which was a dog. It was a shit zoo.
In the least, it had 3 types of shit:
- dog shit
- human shit
- bullshit
Does better as a shit zoo for sure
Every problem is a nail if you hammer it hard enough.
Pshaw, even at LV, it’s a lay theory that is, at best, vastly incomplete and, at worst, demonstrably false.
Electricity will flow through all paths, the most electricity will flow down the path of the least resistance.
That arc is going up because the plasma is hot and the air is turbulent.
Yeah, maybe it needs a Hedberg-ism to get it across to people.
Electricity takes the path of least resistance. It takes the other paths, but it takes the least resistance path too.
The problem I have with it is that it gives a false sense of security and how the world works. Most people think lightning rods attract the lightning and direct it into the ground because of this. 1/3 of the world has 220v and 110v connected directly into their showerhead without any idea why they don’t die from it.
Its funny because the arc looks a bit like Louise Belcher laughing maniacally
Everything is wire if the voltage is high enough
iS iT Up tO cOde??? <— stupidass city council 🙄
looks like lisa simpson
This is particularly applicable around downed power cables. Do NOT approach. You don’t need to touch it to become the wire.
For example: in LA right now
dO nOT toUch the DoWn wIres uuuum I have MY RIGHTS to turn myself into a gas station hotdogs thankyouverymuch
For downed, you mean just a power cable that’s down on the ground but otherwise intact, or he’s only dangerous when cut?
Any cable that’s not where it’s supposed to be, just stay away 👌 Even if it isn’t visibly cut there could be a short somewhere
mhh, you have a point.
You have to keep in mind that the resistance from one foot to your other is going to be less than dry earth between your strides. This means if you are walking toward a downed power line, you may inadvertently walk within its path to its ground and the voltage could actually travel through you.
That’s so interesting. Thanks!
Why is this not knowledge taught in school?
It is the first time i hear about it and i have never thought of it, yet it makes total sense and could make the difference between life and death in a storm damaged area.
Because magic™ is cool
Well, we did learn exactly that in school and had a practical demonstration at a museum.
But on a different continent.
Yeah this should be up there with “stop, drop, and roll”
Especially dangerous if it’s a high voltage wire. Even standing close you can become the least resistant path to earth.
The safest way to do it is to get someone else to touch it first.
Low voltage: “Oh no, there is a tiny spot of corrosion on the contact surface, I think I need to lie down…”
High voltage: (rips line of coke) “I’M GONNA MAKE MY OWN WIRES WITH BLACKJACK AND HOOKERS!”
In fact, forget the blackjack!
modern metal band logos are really getting out of hand smh
This is so accurate. Try reading this without knowing what it is. It’s impossible
“Femtanyl” as it’s the artists name
What about this one?
First one isn’t even metal. But yes. Not doing that is why anyone even remembers Party Cannon.
Ah rayatu sannon.
There’s a Youtuber who has a series of videos trying to decypher metal band names.
It’s quite fun
I can’t see femtanyl in there even after you told me what to look for
Does the last one say “Seth”?
“it’s current not voltage that kills you”
High voltage: “Por que no los dos?”
High voltage: “hey bestie, how would you like a ✨️new and improved ✨️ nervous system?”
To be precise, it’s the high amount of heat, electrolysis and other chemical reactions that kill you.
If you were a prefect conductor, you wouldn’t have a problem.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal…
Wow, what’s that from? It’s a great speech.
Reminds me of one of the cylon speeches in battlestar galactica
sadly, I never was good in music class and my sense of rhythm is bad
Guess you better stay away from it then
I always thought that was a dumb saying because voltage is specifically what allows there to be a lethal current.
Its the “power” that kills you. Power depends on you as well as voltage.(Your resistance determine the current and time period of current flow also matters)
Hence the signs saying “DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE”
I think people just don’t understand ohm’s law. They seem to think voltage and current are unrelated to each other.
Voltage and current are related, of course, but Ohm’s law is just a simplification of circuit theory for static circuits, and the version most are taught early on assume zero inductance and zero capacitance in the circuit. Drop in an alternating current, some capacitors and inductors, and you’ve got yourself a more complex situation, literally, with the scalar real number representing resistance replaced with the complex number representing impedance.
And when you have time variance that isn’t a simple sinusoidal wave of electric potential coming from a source, even the definition of the word “voltage” starts requiring vector calculus to even be a coherent definition.
So when I take a simple battery of DC cells to create a low voltage power source, I can still induce current using some transformers and inductors (which store energy in magnetic field) and abruptly breaking open the circuit so that the current still arcs across high resistance air. That’s the basic principle of how a spark plug works. In those cases, you’re creating immense voltages for a tiny amount of time, but there’s never any real risk of significant current being pushed through any part of a person’s body. And as soon as you draw off some of the current, the voltage immediately drops as you deplete the stored energy wherever it is in the system.
And anything designed to deliver an electric shock to a person (or animal) tends to be high voltage, low current. Tasers, electric fences, etc.
So it’s current that matters for safety. A high voltage doesn’t always induce a high current. And current can cause problems even at relatively low voltages.
I suppose it’s half right. Obviously OHMs law is the triangle.
So you get a high voltage, running through a high resistance, it won’t kill you. The problem is people interpret it in a way that seems to think raising the voltage without raising the resistance is just fine.
It’s kinda hard to raise your body’s resistance a ton outside of not making good contact (e.g. wearing rubber boots/gloves). Things like your skin being moist lower resistance, but I’m not sure it’s really that much of a safety factor when dealing with high voltage.
I think the general gist is… not as much your body’s resistance as the circuit as a whole. IE a high voltage power source traveling through a high resistance circuit, vs touching the high voltage source directly.
It’s about the full path the electricity takes (not counting any portion that you may be cutting out if you are giving it a faster path to ground allowing it to bypass some resistance), rather than just the voltage of the source.
That’s the point that’s trying to be made in that statement, the voltage is indeed a critical part of the equasion. Just not the sole portion of importance.
It’s a very dumb saying. If you don’t have the volts you won’t get the amps to kill you that’s ohms law.
However, there are plenty of harmless high voltage scenarios as well. Situations with high voltage, but no power.
So really you need both.
10kV static discharge and 5kA @ 1mV would like a word.
Ah shit.ya beat me to it. [email protected]
Oh. Well guess now you have to take me to a gay bar?
Also High Voltage. This human body will do just fine.
slaps head of a man This bad boy can fit so many volts!
“Gee, this squishy skin-sack full of water sure has a lot of tasty electrolytes. Might as well use this as a conductor!”