Looking a bit more, looks like the mod keys like ctrl don’t count. So you could still c+a+d with a 2 key rollover. I also found something else about how nkro works with USB
Oh yeah, looks like I contradicted myself in my last paragraph haha.
So it looks like it’s up to the manufacturer to switch to HID protocol after boot, and if they refuse to implement that for whatever reason (probably cost-cutting), you’re SOL? To be fair, I guess most normal users won’t ever need to use 6 non-mod keys at a time, but that’s still lame. Kinda wish PS/2 devices would make a comeback, since in addition to avoiding this problem, they don’t have to rely on the CPU to poll for inputs.
Looking a bit more, looks like the mod keys like ctrl don’t count. So you could still c+a+d with a 2 key rollover. I also found something else about how nkro works with USB
Oh yeah, looks like I contradicted myself in my last paragraph haha.
So it looks like it’s up to the manufacturer to switch to HID protocol after boot, and if they refuse to implement that for whatever reason (probably cost-cutting), you’re SOL? To be fair, I guess most normal users won’t ever need to use 6 non-mod keys at a time, but that’s still lame. Kinda wish PS/2 devices would make a comeback, since in addition to avoiding this problem, they don’t have to rely on the CPU to poll for inputs.