Obviously for Northern Hemisphere folks here. Where I am, it has been mostly below freezing, a little snow but not enough to pe pretty or good to play in. It’s mostly indoor activities. I work out at the gym, play board games, have random get togethers with friends. What do you do?

  • stoy
    1 month ago

    I miss the snow this year, it brightens up the outside world substantially.

    I do gaming, cleaning, planning, and sometimes head out and take cool photos:


    Yesterday was spend with my dad helping me troubleshoot a nixie clock I built as a kit back in 2011, it worked fine until I touched the power rails to the tubes, 180V DC will make you loose control of your arm and just throw whatever you are holding, including a nixie clock.

    After getting a new power supply, power cable and fuse and cleaning up my old crappy solder joints it is once again working for the first time since 2011, there is some kind of short that we ar having a hard time figuring out, but for the most part it is working…

    I might just get a new clock from a shop in Ukarine (nixieshop.com)

    Other than that, today I need to do some cleaning, and I might get my car and do a decent clean of that as well.