I’m off until at least 5 Feb due to a boxers fracture. I’m getting sick of TV and movies. Today I’ll clean my apartment, but even with my busted hand it will only take a couple of hours. I can’t really go anywhere as I need to save as much money as I can to cover for missed time at work.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
- Solve Rubik’s cubes
- Work on music production
- Sleep
Thing I probably should do:
- Continue to learn Swift
- Follow makeup tutorials
Lemmy, what would you do?
EDIT: Keep ‘em coming Lemmsters! I LOVE the suggestions, and can’t wait to give some of these a go!
I’d play videogames, depending how much use you have of the hand. If you can use a controller or a mouse without discomfort I’d game. You could complete a lengthy RPG like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 or Baldurs Gate 3. Or you could learn and play Dwarf Fortress or try and get as far as possible in Stardew Valley or whatever games you like.
Id also go out and walk - explore your city, or go hiking if you have nature near by. Its free and it beats being cooped up in your house.
Or you could make a start on a new skill. Like coding with freecodecamp.org or start learning a language.
9 days is a luxury - I’d even enjoy just lazing about, catching up with friends and family. You dont have to do anything meaningful - you could have some me time.
I can’t really go anywhere as I need to save as much money as I can to cover for missed time at work.
By far the most American thing I’ve read in a while.
Answering the question: How about reading some books?
Get well soon, OP!
Thanks for the well wishes ☺️ I’ve ordered like 7 books based on recs from everyone. Do you have a fave book?
Recommendations would probably depend a lot on what kind of books you like.
One I read recently and loved is “Extremely loud and incredibly close” by Jonathan Safran Foer.
I like the premise! I put it on my wishlist.
Play Factorio. The time will go by much quicker, and you’ll feel productive and unproductive simultaneously.
“Have you tried crack?”
I’m dead 🤣
Best description of factiorio.
Looks similar to Satisfactory. Would you say so?
Yes, they’re conceptually identical, but the core gameplay is very different.
There is no book you wanted to read?
I’m not much of a reader, though I would like to get into the Star Wars lore. I had not even thought of that, thanks! 🙂
Do you have any recommendations for what to read?
For Star Wars lore it really starts and ends with the Timothy Zahn trilogy. For years was considered the “official/unofficial Episodes 7, 8, 9.”
Heir to the Empire (1991)
Dark Force Rising (1992)
The Last Command (1993)Just ordered it, thank you for the rec! I’m excited to give it a go.
If your library has Libby (or similar), it can be interesting to read random “popular” books. I have found some good ones that way.
Just don’t look at the title art, or read a description. Keeps things wild. (Time travel, end of world, or just lunch with friends? No idea.)
“Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine” is one example.
That’s really interesting, thank you! I’ve not heard of this stuff before. I’ll keep that in mind 🙂
I’m not much of a reader, though I would like to get into the Star Wars lore. I had not even thought of that, thanks! 🙂
You’re welcome ;)
Do you have any recommendations for what to read?
I don’t know what you like so it’s a bit like i I asked you what should I eat tonight?
Imho, if you want to give Star Wars a try that’s a good starting point. I don’t know now much about Star Wars so I’m probably not the person you should ask. I do love scifi though and among my favorite authors I would say Ubik, by Philip K. Dick (the guy was the inspiration for films ranging from Matrix to Blade Runner, and many others). It’s fun, it’s not too hard to read and it’s not too long either. And it’s at least as pertinent today as it was when it was written in the 60s.
That said, allow me one advice if you’re not used to reading: don’t be afraid to not like and not finish a book. That’s OK. You have no obligation to.
I read a lot and I never hesitate to quit reading a book I don’t like. Also, I know that my tastes can change (I now love books I hated when I was a kid or a teen, or even a young adult). The Ubik book I suggested is not a difficult read, but you may also not like it at all, and that’s fine. Just look for something else to read ;)I like the premise of Ubik, I ought to try it. Thank you for such a thoughtful response! I’m definitely interested in getting out of my routine.
I’m definitely interested in getting out of my routine.
That’s a great thing to do, imho ;)
Wishing you to get better soon
If you haven’t read it yet: A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas
Just ordered!
If you’re into science fiction, check out the Wool/Shift/Dust trilogy by Hugh Howey. I also enjoyed the Lattice trilogy by Erik Hanberg. You’ve probably already seen some movies based on Robert Heinlein books. GS Jensen also has a bunch of fun series. Finally, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is what got me into sci-fi as a wee one.
Alternatively, head over to a book community, or the books community on BlueSky is pretty active. Tell them some things you really like and ask for suggestions. If you liked a movie or TV show based on a book, there’s a very good chance the book was a bit different and considerably more in depth.
Adding that all the older Stephen King books are worth the read. 11.23.63 was the last one I read, and I really enjoyed it.
I totally forgot about 11.22.63. I really enjoyed the series. Purchasing the book now.
Audiobooks ?
I could get down with some audiobooks. Thanks!
What sort of genres do you like?
I’m into sci-fi and fantasy, I think. I haven’t done audiobooks since A Song of Ice and Fire. I could re-listen to those, thanks for suggesting audiobooks!
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Setting up Paperless-ngx and scan up all the papers (which now can be recycled).
That’s what I did with my last free days.
That’s really interesting! I don’t really have much that I would need to scan in, but the process would be a nice challenge.
That’s my struggle now. Nothing more to scan. But it’s like a rabbit hole. I’m actually make use of the ASN numbers and use a mail address to hord the digital papers, too.
Sit-ups and air squats. 10 per hour. Add 5 each day.
That’s a great idea!
I was going to recommend Shiko: https://youtu.be/YLvHesbDZUQ?t=30 it works many of the same muscles as the air squats but also builds your balance and “stretches” your legs.
install archlinux
I don’t know if 9 days is enough time.
In all seriousness though, installing and setting up Arch seems to be a bit over my head (and patience).
Although…I’d get to let everyone know that I use Arch… 🤔
Its not acturally difficult, as an Arch user (btw) some Arch users will convince you to manually install Arch (and you should at one point but you dont need to). You can use Archinstall and itll basically install like any other OS.
Oh wow, I always assumed it was too technical for me. I’ll try it today.
You should play Factorio. Although there is a great risk you will never leave the house again.
Curious how you got on with the Rubik’s cube?
I love twisty puzzles. My fave is the Ghost Cube. That one takes me a couple 2-3 minutes to solve.
Hey that looks cool thanks.
Great username btw.
Thank you!
Qi Gong: a relaxing, low impact workout. Dozens of monks have youtube channels.
I think I could get into that. I imagine it will help with the whole mindfulness thing.
Had the same deal last year when I tore an achilles tendon. :(
#1) Do what the doc/physical therapist tells you to do.
#2) It’s OK to push yourself a little, but pain is your body telling you when to stop.
I figured out how to stream the PS5 and Xbox to the Steam Deck in the bedroom, your mileage may vary! :)
Dying to know though… boxers fracture? Hopefully a good story there! Always lead with your first 2 knuckles!
Thank you for your advice!
Always lead with your first 2 knuckles!
I wish I had 😅
Unfortunately it’s a bit of a sad story. My father and I are no longer speaking.
No need for sad panda, it’s been a long time coming I think.
Did you at least lay him out?
Sadly I think I hit a stud. Turns out that punching however thick of wood studs are, is a bad idea.
So it’s a pretty stupid thing to do. I don’t recommend, not even with rice.
Learn to roll the fist toward the index knuckle before it lands. ;-)
lol I wish I had thought of that in the moment. I pretty much just saw red and lost control of my anger.
It happens. It doesn’t have to happen again. If you have money for gym, maybe Tai chi to learn how to manage energy, shouldn’t be an issue with your injury. I would love a tai chi class, myself, but it may not be for you.
I had not thought of Tai Chi. I think I’d be into it!
Not a huge use of time, but add fap to your list. Keep your head clear.
Not my thing, but thanks lol
Spend time thinking about changes I want to make in life, like better eating habits or more exercise, then rethink my home and how to set up for long term success, maybe.
Maybe just cruise Lemmy/all and make braindead jokes at smart people as per usual.
Maybe just cruise Lemmy/all and make braindead jokes at smart people as per usual.
Wayyy ahead of ya lol.
I had just started going to the gym again, and then I went and turned my life upside down lol.
I fall into the trap of procrastination and end up mindlessly consuming YT. How do you keep yourself on track?
Uhh I super don’t. Best I can do is at least use Grayjay and Freetube to avoid ads.
Get a bunch of groceries delivered and cook a bunch of food. Freeze a lot of it for later to save yourself time cooking
I’ve been super into my Instant Pot lately. Yesterday, my son and I made BBQ pulled chicken. It turned out great!
Do you have any go-to meal prep?
I make a lot of scrap soup. Any random ingredients, like cans of veggies, food scraps I’ve been saving for stock, any other ingredients in the fridge about to go back, and any ingredients I want to get rid off, I throw in the scrap soup.
I usually like to make a cheese base, since it goes well with damn near everything. Cheese base doesn’t freeze well though.
Veggie Mac and cheese is good, lasagna is good and freezes well, I also cook a lot of noodles and stir fry’s.
You can your own frozen junkfood like frozen pizzas to toss in then oven when you feel like it, and stuff like that. You dont even have to complete it, just assemble it, and when your hungry take it out of the freezer and chuck it into the oven, like lasagna, and casseroles.
Instant pot is great for fast meals too. Its also incredible for stock. If you want to upgrade your knife skills you can buy bone-in cuts or whole birds to use all of the bones and scraps for stock. Basically all food waste goes through the stock pot first before being tossed
Wow, that’s so resourceful. I’ve just started to get back into cooking, and am def on the lookout for ideas like this.