ok, do you pronounce data or data?
ok, do you pronounce data or data?
I suppose it queries for the fonts in any given website’s stylesheet font stack but I would not know better.
Green/orange LCD screens, needle speed dials, just perfection.
Maybe they can recover their account if it was deleted recently but I doubt it, otherwise nothing much but going to the official store with the receipt and asking for a reset. I had a similar situation were a family member deleted and old Apple ID account and locked their device with it.
I bet they put the toilet paper roll the other way too…
I know, clients not wrapping lines in codeblocks are also “rendering properly”. Wrapping it’s up to the client’s parser, reason why I noted to use the aproppriate syntax regardless.
It is not the client, that it is actually how markdown works. Every markdown guide specifically tells to avoid this indentation because its meant for code blocks which by default do not wrap text lines.
Thanks for the update and mentioning my community!
Serves them right
Reason why I use River
No as far as I know
One of the wallpapers is just their logo.
Its great! My favorite feature are the special workspaces.
In my mind there is more piracy in Windows but I would not know for sure.
install archlinux
I did not give it much thought really, I just wanted my previously rooted phone with no google things. But mainly the SafetyNet thing.
… I would go full paranoid but Its over my skill level. Also I’m quite happy now that the transition to more private things process is mostly over.
No problem, but I meant the selection of wallpapers to be most difficult for me, to much of a perfectionist. Hehehe.
I suggest to use the default config to test if that works, and then change bit by bit to your desired configuration. I have a community just for this kind of questions by the way … Window Managers
I do not use hyprland anymore but this was my working config:
general { lock_cmd = pidof hyprlock || hyprlock -c ~/.config/hypr/hyprlock/hl-sw06.conf before_sleep_cmd = loginctl lock-session after_sleep_cmd = hyprctl dispatch dpms on } listener { timeout = 270 #270 on-timeout = brightnessctl -s set 4000 on-resume = brightnessctl -r } listener { timeout = 300 #300 on-timeout = loginctl lock-session } listener { timeout = 330 #330 on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off on-resume = hyprctl dispatch dpms on } listener { timeout = 600 on-timeout = systemctl suspend }