The US rulers have always been a delusional lot. This is not new, it’s just becoming more obvious as the Empire reaches its end.
Anyway here’s James Randi easily proving Uri Geller to be a fraud
The ruling class and their cronies are not rational, they’re irrational capitalists that see the world in a similar way to how British monarchs in the dark ages did. That makes them even more dangerous to me, because they are in charge of power that they don’t understand.
Yeah he sued Gamefreak or Nintendo or something and as a result Kadabra didn’t appear on a trading card for 20 years.
Gamefreak didn’t want to mess with the CIA
Regime change in Japan over a children’s card game sounds so fucking funny though just imagine what we could cook with.
That would’ve made for an incredible arc in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. The feds are trying to regime change Japan, the antagonists are CIA (but since it’s Yu-Gi-Oh, there’s of course an ulterior motive, they’re trying to get the Millennium Items or something).
I remember when Geller dropped the lawsuit and posted on Twitter like he was a hero to all Pokémon players.