The Good Timeline: Californian secession starts a socialist revolution on the West Coast.
Our timeline: California becomes an AI-governed technofeudalist hermit kingdom constantly bathed in the smoke of year-round wildfires unsuccessfully fought by inmates imprisoned for minor offensesGood socialism will happen in the global south. In the meantime it’s great for people living on the West Coast who have genuine progressive values and convictions to start to understand that there’s nothing worth saving about the US
The people of Cascadia support the liberation of our Californian comrades from the genocidal and regressive United States empire.
Cascadia is coming back isn’t it? I don’t want to be a part of my country either but taking the entire west coast of North America is going to get us a lot of heat
Literal secession is not a practical reality. What is important is for people in our area to understand that if they want a bright future for the next generation, the united states is in full opposition to this, and that progressive politics will only be effective at the community and state levels.
We need to guide our own destiny in spite of whatever the US government, thousands of miles away from us, may have to say about it.
Haha do it it will be funny
Liberals don’t have it in them
Do Californians not know where their water comes from? Like, I’d cheer them on or whatever, but it seems like a doomed project even in the best imagined scenario.
Bold of you to think we wouldn’t ally with the Great Lakes Caliphate and build a sky-aqueduct tube to slurp Huron directly to Calabazas lawns
Where does it come from? I’m pretty sure most water used in California is already in California. Do they import water?
Several sources, but much of southern California’s drinking comes from the Colorado river over a 242 mile long aqueduct. If Vegas aligned with CA then it would probably be just fine.
The Colorado River is in California, though? Obviously not all of it, but part of it.
At best, it forms the CA/AZ border. the water rights for the Colorado river are a hot topic among those states and should be carefully managed.
Not the Mexican states, of course, they get shafted. It’s wild how they just divert the water right at the AZ/Mexico border lol.
I mean, the middle of the river is generally considered the border. All I’m pointing out here is that California isn’t really importing water if they’re getting it from a river that is at least partially part of California
A geographic point, not a political one. Yes a portion of the river is in California, no the water isn’t Californian because the spigot would get shut off the second it secedes. Being downstream means that it’s essentially imported from the upstream states
Colorado River baby!
Part of the Colorado River is in California? Do they go further upstream to get water or something? I’m genuinely confused. Everything I’m looking up basically says California moves water around the state, but isn’t really “importing” it from out of state or out of the country in large quantities.
The compact is an agreement with the other states to not use it all and to let some flow into CA iirc, I could be wrong. A lot comes from NorCal but a solid percentage comes from upstream the Colorado as well
NCR >>>>>>>> USA
fuck you todd howard
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Can’t wait for the endless arguments over whether California is a net negative or net positive.
I think California leaving is a net positive in that it is a net negative for both California and the rest of the US.
cmon, balkanize
please balkanize
LOL hope it works this time bud
Is it me or does the preview start an auto download for something