Please state in which country your phrase tends to be used, what the phrase is, and what it should be.


In America, recently came across “back-petal”, instead of back-pedal. Also, still hearing “for all intensive purposes” instead of “for all intents and purposes”.

  • SwizzleStick
    1 month ago

    Our language is the offcuts of several others stitched together, to make some sort of coherent garbage.

    Never feel bad about getting something wrong - most of the natives butcher it in their daily lives without a second thought.

    The accents are wild too. I feel so sorry for new speakers that are confronted with Scots. The further north you go, the more unintelligible it gets to the basic English speaker.

    I’m from Angus originally (not the very top, but close enough), but moved to Wales. There was a period of time where I could understand everyone, but found myself not understood by others.

    Eventually my own accent settled into some sort of “Scwelsh” that works, but it’s difficult for listeners to place me geographically.

    Have a few bonus Welshisms for your trouble:

    “I do do that I do” - I also do this

    Whose coat is that jacket? - Who owns this coat?

    Now in a minute - Could be immediately. Could actually be in a minute. Could be an hour from now.