been studying german but lately have been thinking about switching to spanish, but considering the current state of things in the u.s it might not be a bad idea? idk
I guess that depends on where you are. Around here, Spanish will make you a more valuable hire and you are likely to never even hear German.
I want to move to Germany in the future when I’m financially stable, and it could just be me being a pessimist, but I don’t know if I can see that happening. I’ll probably continue to study German out of the sunk cost fallacy because it’s already way better than my Spanish.
No real reason to stop, then. Keep going :)
I studied German for several years, and it was ironically useful when I was in Guatemala - another traveler sometimes needed help bridging the gap with her spotty English and I was able to help. Though, Spanish would have been much more useful in that country, learning languages can be really useful in unexpected moments.
German has always seemed like a fun language to speak, would you agree with that?
potatoes ar eso gud. i luv em.
i put em in a pan and make em warm, AND i GOT A FOOD!!! WHAAAAAT???
potatoes are like - SOO good. <3
Is potate?