Buddy what kind of down ballot races did you think there where in my area? In an area in which two Maga Republicans who split their vote still won enough of the votes that they were the only two options in the runoff. I want you to think critically about what kind of fucking candidates are running in my area and what kind of vote totals they must have been getting.
Buddy what kind of down ballot races did you think there where in my area? In an area in which two Maga Republicans who split their vote still won enough of the votes that they were the only two options in the runoff. I want you to think critically about what kind of fucking candidates are running in my area and what kind of vote totals they must have been getting.
I don’t know… state legislature? Mayor? County council? County clerk? City clerk? At-large council members? Sheriff? Judges?
I’m sure I can come up with others. Or were they all vote-splitting runoff elections?
Wow you really failed at my request to think critically didn’t you?
dudes just naive and likely not in a deep red state
I lived in Indiana before I emigrated a week and a half ago, but nice try.
really deep south there lmao
You asked me what kind and I told you. Now you’re criticizing me for it?
Why did you ask me a question if you didn’t want me to answer it?
Yes, I agree. Asking someone a question and then getting pissed that they answered it is a big ‘oof.’
Who’s mad friend? Projecting?
I’m pretty sure only one of us has been needlessly hostile this whole time and it wasn’t me.
You know, since all I said was that I’ve thought about Gitmo in the last 20 years.
No earthly idea what you are talking about.