Real talk? This shit is out of reach for most Americans. The best you can do is make sure you maintain a low amount of debt. It’s better to live paycheck to paycheck if it means reducing any outstanding liabilities. If you’ve got a decent enough credit score, banks’ll have no problem bailing you out of trouble with a quick loan or a credit card or a payment plan. The problem really comes if you’re already heavily making use of debt, and then something goes wrong.
Real talk? This shit is out of reach for most Americans. The best you can do is make sure you maintain a low amount of debt. It’s better to live paycheck to paycheck if it means reducing any outstanding liabilities. If you’ve got a decent enough credit score, banks’ll have no problem bailing you out of trouble with a quick loan or a credit card or a payment plan. The problem really comes if you’re already heavily making use of debt, and then something goes wrong.