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My grandmother was born in Berlin in 1938. Her father was essentially forced into the army, because he had skills as a mechanic. He was captured by the Russians, and then tortured for the rest of his life essentially. At the end of the war nazi Gestapo went to her home and tried to force her grandfather and all of her under age brothers into the war on the eastern front against Russia. When her grandfather refused, they put a hand gun to his head and shot him in front of the entire family, and then essentially kidnapped. All the young boys and every last one of them died. The only one who survived managed to get away by hiding in an old clothing case. Once the war was pretty much over and the Russians had control of the city, my grandmother watched as her mother was gang raped by Russian soldiers. She actually had her head shaved by her mother so that the Russians would think she was a little boy so they wouldn’t rape her because they were literally raping women of all ages. If you ask me how I view Hitler and his fanatical followers. I would tell you that I despise them because I remember being a young boy and watching an old lady cry as she told me the stories of her youth and the horrors of war. So when you guys start going around calling Republicans Nazis I’m sorry if I don’t take you seriously and I’m really offended by it. This is another reason why I can’t take people seriously that call Trump and his supporters Nazis. The fact of the matter is once Hitler gained enough power, He armed his supporters to the teeth with military grade weaponry, and began a genocide in his own nation against Jews and other minorities. If Trump really was a Nazi and so he were his supporters then during that four year time span he would’ve found ways and means to arm his supporters and begin slaughtering liberals like it was going out of style.

    1 year ago

    Do I think that every single member of the GOP is a literal nazi? Of course not.

    Do I think that if every single literal nazi was removed from the face of the Earth there would still be a functional GOP party? Highly doubt it.

    The overlap is real. Whether you’re talking about nazis, or just old fashioned racists, They are, from an outside perspective, very much so one in the same. I’m sorry that your grandmother had to go through that. It’s awful, and it shouldn’t happen to anyone at all, but if you can’t see the parallels between what Hitler did to the Jews like your grandmother and what someone like DeSantis is doing to transgender people, then you simply aren’t capable of seeing transgender people as actual human beings. Which is exactly what the nazis thought about the Jews.

    When the events of Charlottesville happened in 2017 and trump couldn’t bring himself to denounce literal Nazis and had to claim that there were “very fine people on both sides” that should have been all any reasonable person needed to see to be convinced. There is no such thing as a very fine nazi. There is no such thing as a very fine person who thinks that all members of minority races or groups should be eliminated. How hard is it to look at a group of people that only exist to hate and reject them? If you are a principled person who doesn’t share that hate, it’s actually pretty easy. Trump cannot openly reject Nazis and racists because if he did the overwhelming majority of his supporters would immediately drop their support. Even if he himself isn’t a Nazi, the fact that he hasn’t spoke out about them says all that I need to hear.