• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Do I think that every single member of the GOP is a literal nazi? Of course not.

    Do I think that if every single literal nazi was removed from the face of the Earth there would still be a functional GOP party? Highly doubt it.

    The overlap is real. Whether you’re talking about nazis, or just old fashioned racists, They are, from an outside perspective, very much so one in the same. I’m sorry that your grandmother had to go through that. It’s awful, and it shouldn’t happen to anyone at all, but if you can’t see the parallels between what Hitler did to the Jews like your grandmother and what someone like DeSantis is doing to transgender people, then you simply aren’t capable of seeing transgender people as actual human beings. Which is exactly what the nazis thought about the Jews.

    When the events of Charlottesville happened in 2017 and trump couldn’t bring himself to denounce literal Nazis and had to claim that there were “very fine people on both sides” that should have been all any reasonable person needed to see to be convinced. There is no such thing as a very fine nazi. There is no such thing as a very fine person who thinks that all members of minority races or groups should be eliminated. How hard is it to look at a group of people that only exist to hate and reject them? If you are a principled person who doesn’t share that hate, it’s actually pretty easy. Trump cannot openly reject Nazis and racists because if he did the overwhelming majority of his supporters would immediately drop their support. Even if he himself isn’t a Nazi, the fact that he hasn’t spoke out about them says all that I need to hear.

  • Here’s some constructive criticism. Stop posting unverified claims that serve no purpose but to stir up more hate. I just saw your post about how Biden was solely responsible for inflation, and when pressed for more info, you just said “I’ll post more info but I need a few days” and “I used to fact check, but now I don’t have time, so I just post shit that’s completely unsubstantiated and let other people decide if it’s true or not.” Hint, it’s probably not. At least not in the completely biased way that you’re presenting it. If you honestly do want this place to be a source of news then actually do something to make it that way. Otherwise, this is nothing more than just another echo chamber, and God knows the internet is not in short supply of those at this time.

  • Ilikecheese@vlemmy.nettowefwef@lemmy.worldApp Store
    1 year ago

    For me the biggest issue of wefwef is gonna be the freezing issue while scrolling, which everyone keeps saying is just a limitation of the web browser. If that’s not something that can ever be fixed I can’t see myself sticking with it no matter how great the UI is once other alternative apps are available and fully featured.

  • ”PC Master Race” is just a joke and a meme. That’s it.

    You say that but just an hour or so ago, I used this community (ok, I was talking about the subreddit) alongside the Flat Earth Society, and The Donald subreddit, as examples of communities that started as jokes but then people started joining unironically and promoting the toxicity that was being made fun of to begin with.

    Personally, I’ve had /r/PCMR blocked for years now, so I have no idea if it’s as toxic as it used to be. I’ll wait until I see evidence one way or the other before deciding to add this community to my block list. But I just wanted to point out that, at least for a while, the joke of this community got very much so out of hand.

  • The internet has a way of taking things that are used sarcastically and removing every bit of irony. The Flat Earth Society, PCMR, and The Donald subreddit all started out as making fun of the people that are now 100% unironically part of very thriving (and toxic to differing levels) communities.

    I think that will almost certainly happen to the word normie, if it hasn’t already.

  • I always hated the stereotype that Reddit was full of nothing but loser virgins trapped in their mom’s basement who had no friends and no chance of a fulfilling life.

    I mean, sure there are a lot of people there (and here) that probably fit most, if not all of that stereotype, but the constant need to point out what losers we all are is problematic in so many ways. Namely that some of us do actually have friends, hobbies, and lives, but still can relate to the overall vibe of being a bit of a weirdo or a loner or whatever, but also it has a tendency to create this barrel of crabs type mental barrier where it just feels like the constant reminders of “if this is all I am, this is all I will ever be” keeps presenting itself. It’s tiring and is the reason why I always kept all the self-insulting subs like me_irl on my block list.

  • I’ll be honest, props on you for at least opening up the possibility of discussion. It will be interesting to see how long you allow this to happen because I’ve found the overwhelming majority of reddit groups or facebook pages that lean to the right will ban people at the absolute first sign that someone isn’t on their side. I literally got banned from /r/conservative for saying I didn’t think the Babylon Bee was funny. Thus it’s usually next to impossible to have a legitimate discussion with people even if that is your goal. For all the whining that right wingers do about safe spaces, y’all sure do love to ban people to keep your echo chamber silent from anything that isn’t what you want to hear.

    I don’t particularly have any questions at the moment, but I will keep an eye on this community. I’m sure I’ll quickly get labeled as a “leftist troll” if I post too much here, but I am interested to see how if this community is any different from just about every other right wing group I’ve seen on the internet thus far.

  • Ok, nevermind, I think I figured out what’s going on. And discovered another strange issue that may or may not need looking into if possible. Turns out, the comment I made was in a shitpost community that I used Memmy to block. So now it doesn’t just block the posts from that community from being shown in my all feed, it actually blocks any comments, and posts that were made in that community from being shown to me across all of wefwef. This…isn’t really what I expected the block feature to do. I’m not sure that I love that, but I guess it’s fine. I know when you blocked a subreddit on Apollo it only stopped posts from that sub from showing up in your feed, but you could still see comments when you clicked on people’s profiles. I would prefer that to be how this works, but I guess since I didn’t even block the community using wefwef, this is just a limitation of how blocking on Lemmy works as a whole? Interesting.