Being an active leftist I’d of joined the resistance.
What should I do, living in a developing country, alone with no friends whatsoever? Hard to see what can be done.
Keep your eyes open for opportunities to empower those inside the US, as they fight from within.
Keep your eyes open for opportunities to empower Canadians and Mexicans, as they stay strong against the bullying.
Being powerless
“You’re doing it now”
Browsing Lemmy?
I’m doing my part
I plan on starting a non-profit apartment complex and create a network amongst businesses to ensure that my tenants never have to worry about losing their rights to life.
I have a 1000 year plan that includes buying farmland, hiring medical staff and creating deals for entertainment until we can all start learning to lean on each other again.
A Declaration of Globalization: 1000 Year Plan to Save the World is in progress and will be made available for free everywhere I can once it’s written. The more people that start the process in their home country, the faster we can put it into motion
I think we’ll be lucky is humanity is still here in ten years, and you’re planning for a thousand — but I love your optimism, kind stranger.
My expectation is to die within the next 4 years. Unfortunately, I’m an “undesirable” according to my admin. However, if I can get the idea out and the ball rolling then I can only hope someone sees it to fruition
Since I can’t get out of the country easily, I get to hide. Yaaaay.
I’m telling everyone I can about the wild and crazy changes since most social media and news outlets are censoring it.
Happy to report that I, a white christian-looking man, would probably get hauled to a death camp for openly supporting LGBTQ+ and minorities, and openly criticizing the government’s behavior. Both of my cars, and my motorcycles, have enough stickers saying as much.
Beat them motherfuckers to LATIN AMERICA BAY BEEE.
Any country that gets nazis in power don’t deserve me paying taxes to them.
- Step 1. try to make people aware of right and centrist’s collaboration danger via dialogue and protest
- Step 2. see everything goes wrong anyway
- step 3. wait to see if fascism burns the world faster than climate change because understanding human brain is probably not capable of handling mass media propaganda even facing imminent death
step 4. realize that, quite literally, the only way to fight fascism is to use their tactics agains them because fighting in good faith hasn’t worked at all. Propaganda, bought out politicians, rules for thee but not for me…
This is America today:
What is this from?
The Man in the High Castle TV Series, about an alternate universe where the axis powers won WW2 and invaded the USA. It’s interesting to watch, even if its a very fucked up scenario.
WW2, vietnam, Israels genocide in Gaza, the invasion of Ukraine, desert storm, the iran-iraq war, pakistan vs India, china vs india… so many wars… In a sense they are all the same war. Its humanity against the worst impulses of itself that always threaten to define all of us. The western rules based order was supposed to the antidote for that cycle or left-right swing and resource coveting, and now the technocrats, fascists, and centrists have tossed that on the floor and pissed on it in the name of their own cleverness. They never understood why they were in politics to begin with, beyond manipulating tactical events for some selfish douchebaggy structural advantage. Thats what Kissinger got wrong, and Biden too. Empty ends-justifies-the-means reasoning in leadership leads directly to fascism. Thats part of what the man in the high castle was supposed to illustrate.
When you’ve oversimplified things to the point where you’ve become useless to anyone, you’re not as clever as you think you are.
ah and heres a Dem centrist now, all bitter because enabling a tactical pro genocide vote bore no fruit. Hows your day going spacecowboy? I presume you’re here to rehash the usual?
You left off here I beleive (same place as always), "The bad things that are happening are because people didn’t vote for Harris. If you didn’t vote for Harris, you’re a part of the reason why bad things are happening. She ran a good campaign, was obviously the better choice for President, but not enough people voted for her because they’re stupid. "
Go ahead and start your rant, I promise I’ll be giving you my full attention. Just remember the thread you’re on now and check out their rules.
Methinks you’re bitter the genocide you were certain to happen ended up not happening. Kinda gross how you’re rooting for genocide to happen and are upset that it didn’t. It was a war, and the war is over. But much like anti-vaxxers in the pandemic, you made it your identity and you can’t let it go.
Social media made you angry over something, and you made bad decisions because of it. Now your poor choices have contributed to bad things happening now and you are looking to blame the people trying to prevent because you don’t want to admit you were scammed by social media.
You’re wondering why Kamala Harris isn’t speaking out against Trump? It’s because the election campaign is over. You may wish you could have a do-over and have her still trying to convince you to vote for her. But the election is over and you can’t go back and do the right thing now. You let evil prevail and you gotta live with that. Stop blaming others for your inaction.
So much projection and self loathing in your comment. OK lets go over this.
**> Methinks you’re bitter the genocide you were certain to happen ended up not happening. **
centrist logic: if you cant vote for either candidate because both are pro genocide, then somehow you are the one who is pro-genocide. I guess the logic here is some vague hope that Harris would change her mind once elected and do exactly the opposite of what she assured us she’d do, is that it? I’d suggest to you that when people tell you straight up how evil they are, you should believe them, especially when they are getting paid to be evil, or are obviously too weak to do the right thing. Remember when doing “the right thing” was something people did?
> Kinda gross how you’re rooting for genocide to happen and are upset that it didn’t
more centrist logic: Any voter who couldnt vote for Harris because of her pro-genocide “I have no policy difference with Joe Biden” stance will somehow be upset when the genocide stops. (???) I dont see how that makes any sense at all. Seems like you’re projecting. Your side was the one saying itd all get worse once trump was in. Is it worse today than any time under Biden? – its not, is it (given-- that might change). So far, the bullshitter here is you, isnt it. The genocide stopping as soon as trump entered the calculations almost made me like trump for a few seconds. (almost). What we know for sure – because she told us–is that Harris was going to continue letting the israleis do whatever evil they wanted to whatever degree they wanted, with US taxpayer money. Locking any pro-palestinian voice out of the DNC convention and talking over (“I’m speaking” she said to one protestor) and siccing the cops on pro palestine voters proves that pretty amply. What do you have for proof of your nutty and flatly illogical assertions? Any proof at all? Just your feelings which contradict what Harris spoke about plainly?
> Social media made you angry over something…you don’t want to admit you were scammed by social media.
Lemmy is literally the only “social media” I consume-- and its anonymous. But you can somehow conclude that I am mad about something …vague? You can read my comment history and see exactly why I’m mad, and its not vague. If you dont know what makes me mad, how can you conclude it came from “social media”? Your whole point here just sounds crazy and straw manning to me, but OK. You are making stuff up because that suits your narrative, not because you want to know anything about me. You’re just here to talk about yourself, by maligning others with illogical straw manning.
**> You’re wondering why Kamala Harris isn’t speaking out against Trump? **
No, I’m really REALLY not. I’d be thrilled if I never heard a single word from her or Bidens ever again. Why would anyone to hear from a far right supporting pro genocide election loser who effed us all? I have no time or energy for people such as those. I wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire. Why waste urine on war criminals? And the longer they and their terrible ideas are gone, the better off the party will be. I’ve had enough crimes against humanity from the Democratic party, thanks. If crimes are going to happen either way, let it be the republicans we haul to the Hague in chains. More dems doing war crimes just soils us all, and I’d sure love to be part of a party that doesnt insist I support crimes against humanity. I dont think thats a lot to ask, do you? Given, we still need to frogmarch Biden to jail, he and Blinken willfully broke US laws around genocide and he needs to answer for them. I’d be happy if we brought back a firing squad just for the both of them. After a fair trial, of course. Biden might even have a chance in court if he hadnt shafted Anita Hill so Clarence Thomas could get on the bench. I guess actions like that have consequences eh?
> You may wish you could have a do-over and have her still trying to convince you to vote for her.
No, again, I dont see how that makes any sense. Is this something you dreamed? Her and Biden had to disappear and the centrists get defeated or itd be the end of both parties for good, as I’ve said in other comments. Now theres at least a minor chance the dems can right themselves and win it back before this country ends. For the party to fix itself the current neolibs had to go, and the party needs to disavow its support of war crimes, and try to be the party of the poor and middle class again. Did you not see the demographic changes in the last round of voting? If thats not fixed its the end of the party for good. Are you not paying attention to this stuff or what?
> But the election is over and you can’t go back and do the right thing now
Voting for a glock wielding, republican felating war criminal counts as doing the right thing to you, thats pretty telling. Which one is your favorite republican pretending to be a dem? Do you happen know Liz Cheneys voting record? She loudly castigated trump but voted for his policies. The only part of her that was left leaning was her mouth, and only occassionally. Is this all news to you?
> You let evil prevail and you gotta live with that. Stop blaming others for your inaction.
Evil was going to win either way, unless Harris changed her mind at the last minute and did the right thing. She went into the vote with her own internal polls telling her she was about to lose and she didnt drop the Israelis at the last minute, which would have won her my vote, and the election. Thats all she had to do. She was too weak to tell her brother-in-law and her idiot husband to shut up, and do what she had to to win. She chose to lose. Thats her own fault, not the voters, or mine. I picked my hill and I’m still standing on it. You chose to roll in your own feces and vote for war crimes. We both lost but only one of us has their dignity. The only spot I left blank on my ballot was for president. You’re the one who voted evil and losing your mind over it. Your whole post sounds nuts.
I would vote harder.
I can’t tell if you are joking lmao
Two wolves: we literally didn’t vote hard enough, but also Dems play good cop and always fall prey to the ratcheting effect.
You’ve got to mix in some laughs or you’ll hurt your voice screaming.
To the strings of your martyr?
Decades ago, as a schoolboy in Germany, this was a fascinating scenario to mull over. Especially because it seemed so unlikely. Well…hold tight everybody.
(annoyingly awed voice) what a time be alive!
Old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.
Pucker those starfish, it’s gonna get bumpy
It’s interesting because it also showed the hypocrisy of most western governments. On one side these governments were happy to support and in fact rushed to support ukraine. On the other side, the same was not afforded to palestine, in fact the opposite. (Giving aid to israel, etc)
This includes people too, but its been very clear with governments.
it was right and good to support Ukraine, but i think where the buck stopped for so many countries is Ukrainians are white and Palestinians are brown. sure, in western countries we often strip Ukrainians access to the concepts of whiteness when they have aid needs other than weaponry, but they still get at least some access to the power of whiteness in colonialism when it suits whiteness. Palestinians, no such luck
There is also a lot about who their enemy is. When US will attack Mexico or Canada, there will be way less universal support to them because US is still seen as a “good guy” in a cultural sense. The same goes to Israel for historical reasons. Russia however is universally understood to be bad, they didn’t manage to wash their reputation when they had a chance, and it doesn’t seem like they really tried.
Cultural sense is relative. Quite a few cultures understand the US being one of the greatest evils in the world.
Im not sure many see the US as the good guy anymore. I think maybe they see the US as the shallow, bullying, good looking popular kid with a lot of money, who the other kids who just want to keep their heads down follow by default.
So much of politics resmbles the 3rd grade school yard.
To be honest, Russia-Ukraine’s war is at EU’s doorstep, meanwhile Israel-Palestine’s war is in middle east. I think that’s at least one reason.
To say that they would care about the other more, sure. To say they continue their support of israels genocide? No.
If Ukraine started the war by invading and killing 1000 Russian civilians (and making sure to record lots of video of it), they probably would’ve gotten a lot less support too.
It would be interesting to see what would’ve happened if Israel just straight up invaded Gaza with no provocation. I doubt western governments would’ve sent weapons to Hamas, but I do think Israel would’ve been roundly criticized and aid cut off.
Yes, because the Palestinians started everything on oct 7th, not the fact they’ve been ethnically cleansed for the past 80 years. Not the fact that Israelis have been systemically killing them and taking their land for the past 80 years. This hypocrisy is not new, but it become apparent to a lot more people who didn’t know about it before.
Israel has invaded Palestinian land in the past with no provocation, I mean, thats how the state of israel was created…
Western countries rarely actually care about justice. Usually its a political tool they use to their advantage, never against themselves or their allies.