Reuters: CDC orders pullback of new scientific papers involving its researchers, source says:
The withdrawal order, first reported by the Inside Medicine Substack, goes beyond an initial directive on Jan. 21 that federal health agencies pause their own public communications to allow for a review of those materials by Trump appointees.
Inside Medicine published a list of specific words targeted for removal in the communications review, including gender, transgender, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) and nonbinary. The federal official said that such a list went out from CDC to its divisions.
The Friday withdrawal order involves all manuscripts written or co-written by CDC scientists. If CDC scientists are co-authors on a paper that originated outside of the agency, they are asked to take their names off the paper, the official said.
Fuck sakes. You guys sound like Soviet Russia.
Nothing says democracy like rewriting scientific papers to suit a bigoted agenda.
We have always been at war with East Asia.
“If you don’t test, you don’t have any cases,”
There needs to be general strikes and protests in response to these authoritarian acts.
Well, what are you waiting for? :) Jokes aside, it’s scary what’s happening in the US. Pure 1984.